@the330and419 said:
I know for a fact that Ryse is getting at least a 9 from IGN. Why you ask? Because they totally just gave it away on their Xbox One stream that they have going on right now. They said that this was Cryteks first non shooter triple A title. So what will it get here? 8? 9?
Triple A has a very different connotation in the gaming industry than it does in the System Wars metagame: it just means a big budget title with a huge production budget. Nothing to do with scores.
@tonitorsi said:
Uncharted doe.
Expected to outscore everything next year on metacritic.
I dunno, if the Wii U Zelda releases next year, the Uncharted game will have some troubles outscoring everything.
But yeah, Uncharted should be awesome. Hopefully it's more like 2 than the shitshow that was 3.
@R4gn4r0k said:
Can't say, I have not played Xbone or PS4. I've only played on WiiU.
But people are too quick to discredit games and systems: Just because Dead Rising and Killzone scored a 7 doesn't make them bad games.
Not at all; hell, DR3 looks more interesting to me than any other Xbone (or PS4) launch game.
But it does lead to some hilarious ownage in the System Wars metagame, which is awesome considering cows' unbearable superiority complex at times.
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