There you go. Some good on there, so not so good on there. Some good not on there. Alan Wake is nice, no American Nightmare isn't. They have Mass Effect and Dead Space but what's the point if there's no sequels. They have Geometry Wars but no Retro Evolved 2. No Red Dead Redemption, they've Child of Eden but no Rez HD. Bayonetta but no Vanquish. No From Dust. No Catherine. No Deadly Premonition. Civilization Revolutions is nice. I probably won't care about Just Cause 2 with Just Cause 3 around the corner but that's nice too. Major Nelson also leaked Mirror's Edge as coming too. Anyhow, mostly just speculation I believe.
That aside, complaining about what we're getting, what we're not getting, might be a bit premature, let's make sure the BC emulation isn't riddled with game crippling issues first.
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