Are you xbox one users and lemmings (there is a difference) happy with the conference, what about the pc users? PS4 users?
(I'll change the list if you correct me on the exclusivity of a game with evidence)
Console Exclusives:
Forza Motorsport 7: XBox One/PC
Crackdown 3: PC/Xbox One (doesn't seem to have the cloud anymore does it?)
Sea of Thieves: XBox One/PC
State of Decay 2: PC/Xbox One
Black Desert???? (unsure): XBox One/PC
Lucky's Tale: PC/Xbox One
Cuphead: Xbox One/PC
Ori and The Will of the Wisps: PC/Xbox One
Timed Console Exclusives:
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds
The Last Night (beautuiful art design)
The Artful Escape
A lot of the games in the sizzler reel
Multi Plat:
Metro Exodus: PS4/PC/XBox One (pretty epic, though looked heavily scripted)
Anthem: PC/XBox One/PS4 (much better tha expected)
Asassins Creed Origins: Xbox One/PS4/PC (looked good, not amazing, seemed like it took inspiration from a lot of good games like horizon zero dawn, witcher, etc etc, along with using stuff from other ubisoft games like far cry primal, but didn't live up to any of those good games, much better than primal obviously, mythology snake was awesome)
Dragonball Z: Fighter: PS4/PC/XBox One (gameplay looks great)
LIfe Is Strange: PC/XBox One/PS4/Switch??? (Meh)
Code Vein: Xbox One/PS4/PC
And then some Minecraft stuff, also Switch MInecraft release?
Happy or not? I think it was a good conference that made a rather meh (some good games though) list of content seem pretty good.
Highlights for me:
Lucky's Tale, Ori, The Last Night, The Artful Escape, Metro Exodus, Anthem (looked amazing, like woah, much better than I was expecting), and Assassin's Creed Origins
Also dbz fighter looked good, though we only saw gameplay and we knew the game was coming already.
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