@Phazevariance said:
My favorite part is how the Xbox hardware wasn't finalized until mere months before launch and the software wasn't finalized until pretty much launch day... Yet ryse was rest to go at launch. So I think I'd fair to say that launch games are not optimized for the systems which is why second wave games always look better. Tc is right in that both consults will get better looking games in the future and neither console is maxed out.
My favorite par is that bold part you pulled from deed deed down your a$$...
The hardware was finalized for months,Activision Mark Rubin confirmed that when they talked about Ghost on xbox one,they have the final hardware for a long time..
MS did a last minute up clock which is totally different,and can even be done now if they wanted to,if they want to rise the speed of the GPU to 1ghz now they could do it,and update and off you go,surely that will cause the system to fail under heat.
Launch games on all platforms are always rush,is not the xbox one alone,the PS3,PS2,xbox,xbox 360 DC you name it,hell Killzone SF didn't even had voice chat.
The xbox one will improve,but so will the PS4 the gap will remain for the generation,there is nothing inside the xbox one that can close that gap period.
@tdkmillsy said:
Its not that simple, the architecture is different enough between them for extra power to be found in both consoles. As has been the case in all previous generations. Microsoft are backing on the upscaler for now (and if you where honest its doing a good job) and different programming techniques down the line to enable it to close the gap.
The Kinect is actually a differentiator between the two consoles. When the graphics look as close as they do now, extra ways of playing such as Kinect, Xbox Live, Smartglass and the Vita remote play will be play a bigger factor.
For God sake they have he same GPU and CPU,the memory s different and superior on PS4,and the GPU while is the same line is also stronger on PS4.
On top of this MS build the unit in a way that it hogs 10% of its GPU for Kinect,snap and the UI,which make the problem of having a weaker GPU even worse.
The PS4 has the same scaler the xbox one has,since both have the same family of GPU,the PS4 one isn't been use because the PS4 is reach 1080p without upscale the xbox one doesn't,only 1 game on PS4 is not 1080p and is 900p,the rest all is 1080p,on xbox one only racing games sports and games with no demanding engines run on 1080p.
There will be nothing that closes the gap,the same techniques you can use on the xbox one you can use them on PS4,they are the same period one is just stronger,never have 2 consoles been so alike.
Those things about Kinect that you mention has nothing to do with power,Kinect is meh no one cares any more.
@k1ngd0m4g3rul3z said:
Ok and?
Really not that hard seeing how you only got a competitor.
More like who's gonna use less shitty parts contest more than anything.
Sony dropped the ball big time with the PS4 I had very high expectations... I dreamed of a 500$ subsidized by them for 200$ outperforming high-end pcs (titan class sandy brigde at least).
Instead we got... that? 6 more years of 2010's pc graphics... yay?
If you really expected a damn Titan sandy bridge at least you are the most stupid moron that ever walked this forum,lest just put aside that it would cost sony a damn fortune and would even send MS crying outside of the consoles market because of the losses,a console like box with a damn Titan like GPU is impossible even more pair with a damn Sandy bridge,the TDP would require a damn PC case,sony would officially be selling you a PC in a tower case.
The funny thing is that you defend MS which actually have millions to burn,and gave you a damn consoles with ever cheaper hardware and weaker to,the power inside the xbox one is not even equivalent to a 7770,it has 100Gflops less..lol
@Opus_Rea-333 said:
Xbox One Upcoming Driver Update Should Mean Great Things, Xbox OS Team Best In The World
Xbox One starting to get scary and unreachable for Team Sony.
Hahahahaahaaaaaa.....Oh dear.... hahahhaaaa
@ronvalencia said:
Not against Intel's Quick Sync i.e. hardware extensions that was specifically designed for video encoding.
From x264 software developer on IBM CELL vs Intel Core i7 920, http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?p=1454286&postcount=2
Question: While it was working, however, it worked great thanks to the power of the Cell and proved to be faster than a core i7 920)
Answer: No, it wasn't. It was way, way, way slower than x264 on a core i7 with similar settings. Sure, if you put x264 on slow settings and it on fast settings, it was faster -- but that's hardly a surprise.
The Cell is a pretty slow CPU. It takes roughly 2.5 cores (out of 8 ) to do realtime 1080p H.264 decoding with a highly optimized decoder. A fast i7 can do that with about ~0.4 cores (out of 4 or 6).
You are a fu**ing moron did you even read what you quote.?
First of all Cell only had 7 SPE not 8,the 8 one was disable for redundancy.
Second Cell doesn't have cores you idiot,it has 1 PPE and 7 SPE they are not actual core nor work exactly like core.
And 3rd this is the first time i hear some one claiming 2.5 cores as if you could divide SPE down to half of one,you either use one or you don't.
Also nice quoting people on a forum your hate for sony is so great that it make you look stupid,once again a company did test and Cell >>> and i7.....Cry all you want..lol
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