Lol i forgot all about the GDEX but it's a thing.
Microsoft's new console concluded the week with an overall GDEX score of 80 as Sony's recently-launched PS4 fell into second with 78 points for the week. Despite hefty buzz surrounding key games like Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo remained in the third slot, accumulating a score of 73.
• Racing titles and pretty much anything with zombies seem to always do well amongst the global gaming masses and that trend holds true this week as a few newly-released games raced into the Top 10. Forza Motorsport 5 jumped 8 spots from 16th to 8th while Need for Speed Rivals was ranked 9th this week after finishing 12th the week prior. Capcom's Dead Rising 3 combined both Twitter and Facebook fan reaction to build its own social buzz before swinging its way into the 10th spot upon release of the Xbox One after finishing last week in the 18th slot on the GDEX.
The GDEX is a contraption of questionable data collecting mostly used, but not exclusively, with twitter data and Gametrailers data.
The Wii U is last place in the Gdex despite having a game toward the top. The GDEX shows that the game is only appealing to Wii U owners that have already had one for a whole and not new users.
The PS3 fell only by two points, so it's basically a tie because the GDEX does the GDEXing by the hundred, so they could be the same number or PS3 could lead by tomorrow. The Wii U dropped from the last week so it may take something big for the inflation of the Wii U to come into play on next weeks GDEX. We will se what Mario does for the,.
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