@navyguy21 said:
You need to calm the f*** down. Check my posting history, im far from a fanboy of either shitty console. Same cant be said for you and your posting history. My point was that you never post ANY story that is perceived to be negative towards Sony yet are quick to jump on any story with a perceived negative slant against MS.......no matter how you try to word the OP. You say the Neo isnt announced but it was acknowledged and people know its coming. Funny you say it wasnt announced...........yet you say those "in the know" know about XB1/Scorpio. Well that logic should apply here............we all know about Neo.........so it applies. Why buy PS4 now when Neo is coming in the fall? Sure, its a shitty argument but the XB1 Slim being a failure is also a shitty argument. If Scorpio was a new generation.........which i hope it is along with PS5...........then yes, the slim is already irrelevant. Both consoles suck, both consoles are screwing this year since they are releasing new models later this year. MS is just in a worse situation where they need to move on quickly and forget the XB1. Better for their Xbox Brand.
lol FAIL.
You came at me wrong so I addressed you how you needed to be addressed!
@navyguy21 said:
Well of course you think its valid, it fits your agenda or mindset
YOU sit the **** down.
With your very first sentence you came at me full fanboy tilt with your shitty personal fanboy opinion instead of responing to the thread you attacked me so don't come at me telling me "I" need to sit down LEM! You started the garbage posting with your fanboy agenda and I called you out on it.
@navyguy21 said:
im far from a fanboy of either shitty console. Same cant be said for you and your posting history.
Exempt you are a MS fanboy and a PROVEN xbox fanboy by your posting history!
Problem is I DO know your posting history LEM, you may have forgot the discussions you participated in where I was present in and your were the same idiotic generalizing xbox fanboy who made all the same arguments for every sony fan as if they were the same person in you delusional mind! You are just another embarrassed xbox coward who hides behind PC to make your rabid PS fan hating posts on here like 99% of the rest...your "I'm a hermit" routine from xbox drones this gen is nothing new or special here.
@navyguy21 said:
My point was that you never post ANY story that is perceived to be negative towards Sony yet are quick to jump on any story with a perceived negative slant against MS
FALSE..I mean the whole thing! I have posted negative things about Sony and I barely even post about MS and when it do it's not always negative.
That is why you're just another stupid generalizing xbox moron. You're not interested in posting anything but your delusional vision of how you view all PS fans. That claim you just made is simply your blind inaccurate fanboyism!
You know **** about me posting history clown, all you know is that I'm a Sony fan and that's all you need to spread your false BS nonsense. I hardly make any topics about xbox you dumb bitch. Most of my threads are about GAMES and I have praised games I thought looked good from MS as well as Sony and also called out games I felt looked bad from both.
You're just a loud mouth xbox fanboy who is hiding behind PC trying to rant about a simple topic that is related to up coming systems because I'm a Sony fan but I did not come out trying to demonize anyone for being an xbox fan...that is what usually comes from the posters who are TRULY obsessed with fanboyism and can't even respond to threads without rants of agenda, fanboys and other BS defection arguments.
Lem if you can't respond to the thread and keep your delusional feelings about what you think about me to yourself then just move the hell on. You bitching and crying about what you feel about me has nothing to do with the topic. Are you guys all just raging, dim witted, victim complex buffoons?
Stop crying about hating posters of specific groups based on your own blind fanboyism and try to actually answer topics in these threads or just STFU! This, "cow cow cow" argument routine by most you xbox fanboys to replay to threads is proving that you are guys not only the most idiotic group but also the most pointless to bother replying to.
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