below is the exact email that I sent to Gamestop corporate and I hope that you guys can join in on the strike! Just make some picket signs and stand outside of your local Gamestop encouraging people to buy the ps4 instead of the Xbox one, Tell them why the Xbox one is a rip off of their money and so forth. As I and many other people believe Microsoft has screwed us over with the Xbox one and we also believe that Microsoft needs to really know just how much they have pissed off Xbox gamers and users around the world. They just don't seem get it. So I ask you guys Gamestop corporate to not allow the Xbox one to be sold in your stores and have the crossed out circle no signs crossing out an Xbox one on their store windows. We need to show them that we mean business and that we really despise Microsoft. As for me I will be gathering a large group of anti-Xbox one people at my local Gamestop video game retailer with anti-Xbox one picket signs and explaining to passerby's why the Xbox one is a cheat out of your money and a waste of time. I will also be encouraging other people around the nation to do the same thing so if you guys don't decide to not allow the Xbox one soled in your stores. then we will just encourage people to buy the ps4 instead and it will have the same effect. Also people can buy them at or best buy so people will still be able to get them even if you guys decide to not sell them at your stores. I also encourage you guys to tell all the employees at every game stop to talk people out of buying the Xbox one. I will also along with the picket signs be trying to hand out PlayStation network points cards to win people over that way. So if you guys won't do anything we as a gaming republic will!
It was totally worth it and if they wont automatically ban me from clicking the post new thread button for not being lvl 10 then I am just going to post away
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