@locopatho said:
Dude you can pretend that crap exclusives, inferior multiplats, shoddy online, 5GB installs, 20 minute updates, years late to launch, years late ports, 600 euro pricetag and a poor controller were the best thing EVAR all you want. Won't make it true. 360 declined and PS3 improved so that by the end, PS3 was better, I agree. That doesn't change the half decade or more where 360 was better.
Me and most of my PS2 friends moved to 360, and now we're back on PS4. Quality sells, to non corporate drones.
What console on launch doesn't have crappy games.,?
Funny for me playing online free was more important than 100 more lines of resolution or a missing patch of grass,and is funny how the PS3 had shoddy online,when on launch 2006,i was playing 20 vs 20 matches on PSN lag free on dedicated servers,while 360 owners had to shed $50 for online,and they could not play Gears or War 4 vs 4 without heavy lag,host advantage issues and on P2P.
Actually when started PSN was slow,but by 2007 it was working great the whole PSN is slow crap still carry today which is based on 2006,is a joke use by fanboys like you.
Years late port because the PS3 wasn't here and the others that took time was because basically pay half the industry to hold games,like they did with Bioshock,and Oblivion and many other games,and like they still do with game like Plants vs zombies and Titanfall if the don't pay truck loads of cash they get sh**.
The PS3 was 600 euros and was worth every damn penny,Blu-ray stand alone players were more than that alone,and they could not play games,and had inferior picture quality to the PS3,so yeah at least the PS3 gave you more for your dollar than the xbox 360 ever did,at least the PS3 had new tech that was expensive in 2007,what the hell the xbox one had inside to justify those 500 euros,because the 600 euros PS3 was the premium model the cheap one was 500 on a time were blu-ray was like 800 euros stand alone.
Yeah the 360 was better in you fanboys eyes,and while you played the same sh** and were milk for online play we enjoyed games like Warhawk on 2007 32 players huge maps for $39.99,funny enough what lemming hype now the cloud has been use by sony since 2006,the cloud is nothing than a glorified dedicated sever,and like titanfall prove it basically to host game,congratulation to MS they now use what most sony games used since launch dedicated servers,remember how Resistance 2 was 60 players online and 8 players co-op.? You find me a 360 exclusive even close to that,PSN was doing on 2006 what MS still hasn't done yet on xbox live..lol
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