I'm very excited for both in all honesty. I must say, I wasn't all that impressed with Xbox since the original Xbox, but the last 2 years or so I feel that MS REALLY stepped their game up. The new studios, game pass is without a doubt an incredible value and pretty cool (although I strongly prefer physical media this is a good way to play games that I probably wouldn't have had a chance to play otherwise) and the stability of the Xbox is better than the PS4.
However, I feel that the PS4 has better exclusives (the new studios by Xbox may rival them next gen.. will have to wait and see), a better controller (yes I have big hands, but the analog sticks are WAY better on PS4), a much better friends, sharing, and party system, and a larger pool of games with a little more diversity.
All in all I feel that Xbox without a doubt is finishing the generation stronger and heading into next gen with a great start. I couldn't care less about The Last of Us 2 which in my opinion is PS's last big game.
I actually feel like next gen is going to feel very similar between the two consoles (maybe even more so than this gen), but I think services, value, and games will set them apart once again. MS has a chance to strike big and easily close the gap this generation. That said, I predict that the sales numbers next gen will be a lot closer like the 360 and PS3 were.
I am actually disappointed with SONY. It's like they got a large lead and just said "screw it, we are the winners, so we are done" this gen, and they seemed to have really stopped pushing for innovation and trying to widen the gap by going out of their way for their user base. That doesn't sit well with me. Close competition forces opposing companies to strive for excellence. It is in ALL of our best interests that both come out the gates swinging hard and trying to outdo the other.
Things I want to see from PS5.
1. Fear MS and prove you will bring the heat next gen.
2. Come out with more MP games and prove you are pushing stronger on that side of things. (SOCOM I'm looking at you)
3. Value.. bring more of it. Open up more games.
4. Add a preview program and possibly something like game pass.
Things I want to see from XSX
1. Come out of the gates like you have something to prove. You need to be all in this time.
2. Continue game pass and the preview program and expand on them.
3. More exclusives and mid tier range games.
4. Improve sharing, integration, user interfaces, and option accessibility.
As we stand right now, I never thought I would say this, but I am actually feeling Xbox more at this point in time. I feel of the two that SONY has more to prove next gen. I hope they BOTH understand this and come out dropping bombs. The more they fight the more we win. Everyone wanting all this integration and for them to get into bed together just don't get it... I mean I'm all for crossplay (with restrictions or options in place) but as far as rival companies.. well, I feel strongly toward the fact that they would both do well to remember that and keep tabs against each other. It almost seems as though SONY is letting their guard down and MS is falsely snuggling up to them. Don't think for a second that MS would hesitate to drop the guillotine once SONY is positioned directly underneath the blade, they made their way as a company doing that. SONY needs to pretend to trust them, but keep within reality. Hopefully BOTH are doing just that and we are in for a hell of a ride. They both need to hold their cards close and believe the other has them beat or has another card up their sleeve. That way they BOTH come out over prepared for a change. I guess time will tell, but I think this will be the strongest start to a gen of all time. I'm hoping all those new studios MS bought have SONY scared, so SONY is stepping up production as well. Perhaps that is just anticipation and hope, but I get the feeling that they are both going for the throat this time around, more so than ever before.
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