Overall understanding with both devices incorporating similar functions, however will this possibly over shadow wii's-u's future over next several months to come or vise versa.
Smart glass app: compatilbe as app on windows platform, unkown as of android market but if true with what ever partnership microsoft makes could anhilate wii-u entirely with it's limitations
Smartglass functions as remote, functional browser for (ie) and game stats, more indepth knowledge on world around you while engaged in movies from any device, still sceptical as of what devices those will be tho,
So far smart glass insn't a purpose built controller for games but assisting you on your journey through xbox live, stil early to say what these functions will be if blue tooth serves as some function with your gaming experiecne to truely be comparable with wii's controller.
While wi-u controller: acts as device similar to nintendo 3ds, showing map location, inventory, screen hub quirky way interacting within nintendos gaming universe, a way keep everything off tv but into your hands. it will act very similar down lines compared to smart-glass's functionality but with extreme limitation on where you can take it from my opinion.
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