Xbox has its event next week, where they show off their games lineup for the next few months, so maybe this has something to do with that?
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@R4gn4r0k: haha, who knows?
Sometimes there are games that just capture you... I love reading up on those.
Say I end up absolutely loving Quantum Break, I'd love to read a book on what went into making it. The tought process behind the ideas of the game :)
It's probably not that though xD
Something to do with QB TV series? Hmm, dunno.
i did wonder that, but QB is TV focused, so i cant see it.
I do remember with the Alan Wake collectors edition, that it came with a hardback book, which was the diary of the police officer who investigated the strange goings on and the disappearance of Alan Wake.
Understood, it's just the first thing that came to mind.
A book with a Elite controller inside? Got me man, curious that's for sure. . lol.
Something to do with QB TV series? Hmm, dunno.
i did wonder that, but QB is TV focused, so i cant see it.
I do remember with the Alan Wake collectors edition, that it came with a hardback book, which was the diary of the police officer who investigated the strange goings on and the disappearance of Alan Wake.
Understood, it's just the first thing that came to mind.
A book with a Elite controller inside? Got me man, curious that's for sure. . lol.
I am just glad there is some exciting games finally coming, its been ages for me since i had a game i could really get stuck into.
I have spent about 100hours playing star wars, still loving it, but its MP only, so doesn't really feel like escapism.
I am playing Rocksmith on my X1.
I am trying to finish the Uncharted collection, but its a bit of a drag at the moment.
I've sidelined Fallout 4, for no reason other than i can't decide which faction to choose and it is not exactly calling out to me to pick it back up.
Now finally, I have Far Cry Primal on pre-order, which looks amazing the more i see of it, so excited for that. and QB is a day one buy for me and its not too far off.
after that, i think No mans sky and Mass Effect Andromeda are the only ones i can get really excited about. these last few years have been pretty shit as far as games are concerned.....disappointing.
I know the feeling, really enjoyed RotTR and playing through it again and just preordered QB yesterday and can't wait to sink my teeth into that one. When Gears 3 became BC I played through it and now I'm thirsty for Gears 4. ME:A oh heck yeah but sounds like 2017. My wildcard came is Sea of Thieves, said to be Rare's most ambitious game ever and really hope Rare delivers a phenom core game-play experience. Crackdown 3 is another I can't wait to see how it turns out. Halo Wars 2 could be a real winner as well.
It's definitely getting much more exiting and that should continue the rest of the gen me thinks.
hmm, "new chapter" and the controller is inside a book.......
I can't think of anything book related this might refer to :/
But perhaps, now that they have cut the TV show section of Xbox, they are going with a book section ?
Maybe closing the book on gen 8 since they'll never catch PS4? :D
@razik: Wow, I was going over every game MS made that was book related.... Yet I missed Alan Wake 2. I'm disappointed in myself :O
I'd love an Alan Wake 2... My god, it would make my day if that were announced. But it's too soon I believe.
Maybe closing the book on gen 8 since they'll never catch PS4? :D
Maybe they will close the book on this ill-conceived console.
@razik: Wow, I was going over every game MS made that was book related.... Yet I missed Alan Wake 2. I'm disappointed in myself :O
I'd love an Alan Wake 2... My god, it would make my day if that were announced. But it's too soon I believe.
Maybe closing the book on gen 8 since they'll never catch PS4? :D
Maybe they will close the book on this ill-conceived console.
Cow Logic:-
New chapter = closing a book
it could be the chapter titled "The End"
it could be the chapter titled "The End"
@sts106mat: new chapter could mean a new console. Learn to logic.
yes, Heil, i guess that would work,. fair point
moogenja, perhaps, an xbox one elite......oh wait.
If you're lucky, it means they shove a 32X in that HDMI input port so you can game in 1080p like the rest of us.
@R4gn4r0k: That'd quite drastically improve the literacy of those stupid, hamburger-brained Murican Xboners ;)
..... why are you doomsayers trying to make a new Xbox happen? If there is a new xbox it'll blow the PS4 out of the water and force Sony to make PS5 happen earlier. PS4 is still dry when it comes to exclusives. It'll mean you spent the last 3 years waiting on greatness that never came.
..... why are you doomsayers trying to make a new Xbox happen? If there is a new xbox it'll blow the PS4 out of the water and force Sony to make PS5 happen earlier. PS4 is still dry when it comes to exclusives. It'll mean you spent the last 3 years waiting on greatness that never came.
..... why are you doomsayers trying to make a new Xbox happen? If there is a new xbox it'll blow the PS4 out of the water and force Sony to make PS5 happen earlier. PS4 is still dry when it comes to exclusives. It'll mean you spent the last 3 years waiting on greatness that never came.
That's hilarious! Also, quite counterintuitive. Publishers and developers will ride a twilighting PS4 even harder than they rode the twilighting PS3 and that will mean the next Xbox will enter a very harsh environment. If I'm a little honest, it surprises me that Nintendo is doing it with the NX but at least they can play the card of using an APU or similar PC architecture to get back on the same page with developers whereas the WiiU is an odd man out.
That's a history book and they are closing the chapter on the Xbox brand.
Is this all you do? Seriously? Man you have a sad life.
Speaking of new chapter, when are we going to get the next chapter of D4 already? Hope that's in the announcement.
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