How stupid is this?
Nintendo is never getting rid of their kiddie image with moves like this.
What a total bust...
How stupid is this?
Nintendo is never getting rid of their kiddie image with moves like this.
What a total bust...
I think you know which people to blame for this.
I doesn't even make sense. Now all the flat-chested girls that play the game will have to play with a character over-proportioned for them and feel inadequate.
I can't say I care enough. If I wanted to look at boobs, I have quite a few other avenues to do so.
I care, not because of not being able to change the breast size (it's pretty much the size I'd choose anyway), but because it's just a completely stupid and trivial move from them.
I can't say I care enough. If I wanted to look at boobs, I have quite a few other avenues to do so.
I care, not because of not being able to change the breast size (it's pretty much the size I'd choose anyway), but because it's just a completely stupid and trivial move from them.
I agree, it's dumb, and hey, if someone wants to be able to change the bust size, why not have the option?
I just don't agree enough to be able to bring myself to actually care about its removal.
And leaving it in would help get them out of it? Hardly. Not as long as Mario, Pokemon, Zelda (and to smaller extents, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Wii series, and now Splatoon) exist.
Is there a bulge slider?
There's a muscle slider in the male version if I'm not mistaken. That one stayed.
Edit: I think I'm mistaken, read about it somewhere, but I can't find it now.
Is there a bulge slider?
There's a muscle slider in the male version if I'm not mistaken. That one stayed.
There isn't, not even in the japanese version.
Missed the edit, ha
I was defending their choice to cover up stripper outfits in the other thread. But I can't defend this, this is dumb, not that I care. I'm still buying the game.
Preorder cancelled.
Not really. I don't really agree with the drop. At the least a compromise would have been chasing the slider to cap at the new single option. Busts come in different sizes. That's biology. Being bigger than the characters head, probably not needed, but...
Well anyways, the drop dosn't offend me enough to not get the game.
Yeah, it's dumb to censor features from the original game, but it evens out when those features are so stupid and meaningless.
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
This country has become so damn. "PC" it hurts. Mount your friends can have dong physics but lord save us from boob physics. Don't get me started. I'm not trying to get banned from another forum.
Gonna miss Sharla like boobs that were in Xenoblade. Damn it Nintendo take chances and wash away that kiddy image you established 200 years ago lol.
I really don't care in the end but I like having s full version of a game I'm playing.
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
I don't think anyone here used that term, but if they used it, it would have been correct.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
That's exactly what it is.
Again, poor example. Considering that was just Nintendo publishing a game that belongs to two third parties and if they censored that, SEGA and Platinum would have a heart attack.
@nintendoboy16: Nintendo is working with Capcom to reduce some of the more raunchy shots in the upcoming SF. They are a third party. What's different?
EDIT: Nevermind, was thinking of something else.
Yeah, was just going to say, did I miss a SFV announcement for NX? :/
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
I don't think anyone here used that term, but if they used it, it would have been correct.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
That's exactly what it is.
You should read the definition you copied here from google/wiki before posting it. Removing a slider doesn't fall under that definition. Did I really need to explain that?
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
I don't think anyone here used that term, but if they used it, it would have been correct.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
That's exactly what it is.
You should read the definition you copied here from google/wiki before posting it. Removing a slider doesn't fall under that definition. Did I really need to explain that?
It was removed because it was politically incorrect. So it fits perfectly.
@T3H_1337_N1NJ4: How was it incorrect?
I would like to know this as well, but so far it doesn't seem like he knows what censorship means, nor does it seem like he read what he copy-pasted from wiki.
I think they had to remove the slider in order to make the changes to Lin. Seems all NPCs are nothing but created characters using the customization menu. In order to make the changes easy without rewriting code was to apply the clothing changes to the bust slider. Then lock the slider.
I think they had to remove the slider in order to make the changes to Lin.
It's going to break the immersion for a lot of people here, they won't be able to make their character's boobs as big as their manly boobs.
If you dont care if its gone fine,but theres no way anyone can defend the action to remove it. It makes zero sense for them to get rid of it. Also this is just baby steps im sure going nintendo will start censoring even more.
I think they had to remove the slider in order to make the changes to Lin. Seems all NPCs are nothing but created characters using the customization menu. In order to make the changes easy without rewriting code was to apply the clothing changes to the bust slider. Then lock the slider.
The bust slider is for the created characters. You can customize the other characters but you can't create them.
No, what i mean is thats how the devs created them. They used the same create a character, it makes it easier to make very diverse NPCs. But since they had to change one and didnt want it to affect the others, they had to use the bust slider to do it.
I dont think this has anything to do with them not wanting people to make big boobs. If they wanted to take that away, they would have removed much, much more. They have some crazy costumes coming they havnt removed.
I understand the reasoning, but it;s kind of unfortunate. More customization is always better than less.
No, what i mean is thats how the devs created them. They used the same create a character, it makes it easier to make very diverse NPCs. But since they had to change one and didnt want it to affect the others, they had to use the bust slider to do it.
I dont think this has anything to do with them not wanting people to make big boobs. If they wanted to take that away, they would have removed much, much more. They have some crazy costumes coming they havnt removed.
Yes, the devs created the other characters.
No, what i mean is thats how the devs created them. They used the same create a character, it makes it easier to make very diverse NPCs. But since they had to change one and didnt want it to affect the others, they had to use the bust slider to do it.
I dont think this has anything to do with them not wanting people to make big boobs. If they wanted to take that away, they would have removed much, much more. They have some crazy costumes coming they havnt removed.
Yes, the devs created the other characters.
Its hard to explain, but basically all the costumes work and scale for each character. Nintendo only wanted to remove the costume from one character. In order to do this and not have it be removed for all characters and not have to rewrite the code, they needed to use the Boob Bust Slider to remove the costume from Lin and then turn off the bust slider. Not sure if that makes sense, but its bout best i can explain it.
So the costumes are still in the game and can be worn by everyone except Lin. Nintendo i heard couldnt change her age to a more proper age. Its sucks, but sometimes sacrifices must be made. It was either loose the bust slider to remove costumes from Lin, or remove the costumes from every single character.
Its alrght for people to be upset about it though, it sucks, but i think its also best we understand why it happened. As the great Nintendo would say, "Please understand."
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