ok i know i will get all the fanboy heat in the world for this! but 1st of all! i have a ps3 and i have had 1 since way b4 360! B. i played mgs4 beat it almost twice! so shut up and read before u make a comment!
Metal Gear Solid 4 as a game to me was technically impossible! how a game could take all of that and throw it into 1 is beyond me! amazing graphics,sharp sound and decent replay value, etc the list goes on! so y is it not the game of the year you might ask? well despite all the ps3 fanboys who hail this game as the second coming to christ, it obviously isnt as good as all the ps3 fanboys make it 2 be because sales were not as great as expected it's a specific type of game(tactical espionage action) that there limits it because it isnt a game every1 would just pick up and play! NOT every1 has patience 2 sneak and be tactical(YES I KNOW U DONT HAVE 2 DO THAT) but that's the whole point playing it any other way would defeat the purpose...u'd be better off with any other shooter...it's such a STORY driven game u would honestly be lost, without playing the previous 3! Too Short!!!!(only on the hardest difficulties will it take u some time and that is because u are either dying a lot or killing every1!) Too Repetitive but in the worst way all games have some form of repitition but MGS4's gameplay wears on you Lastly, the game is just so blown out of proportion by fanboys that they themselves dont know how good it actually is!
A GAME OF THE YEAR should be a game that is amazing in all ways but demands special merit because it is a game that does so many things right that you cant find a problem big enough to justify you not playing that game! A GOTY is something that has a little bit of something for every1 and a bit more! It must do off the charts on everything slaes/reviews/fun factor/replay ability! Metal Gear Solid 4 is a forgotten treasure! every1 who wanted it got it on June 12th and finished it a week later at most! No1 plays it anymore any1 who does needs to get out of whatever acoma they were in and come back to reality! I dont what else i need to say to justify what i am saying if you say MGS4 is game of the year say it because u believe so not because you are a fanboy! and you must be able to back it up! I personally say FALLOUT 3 is game of the year and some will agree some wont
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