Y MGS4 is not the Game of The Year!

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#1 damedash122
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ok i know i will get all the fanboy heat in the world for this! but 1st of all! i have a ps3 and i have had 1 since way b4 360! B. i played mgs4 beat it almost twice! so shut up and read before u make a comment!

Metal Gear Solid 4 as a game to me was technically impossible! how a game could take all of that and throw it into 1 is beyond me! amazing graphics,sharp sound and decent replay value, etc the list goes on! so y is it not the game of the year you might ask? well despite all the ps3 fanboys who hail this game as the second coming to christ, it obviously isnt as good as all the ps3 fanboys make it 2 be because sales were not as great as expected it's a specific type of game(tactical espionage action) that there limits it because it isnt a game every1 would just pick up and play! NOT every1 has patience 2 sneak and be tactical(YES I KNOW U DONT HAVE 2 DO THAT) but that's the whole point playing it any other way would defeat the purpose...u'd be better off with any other shooter...it's such a STORY driven game u would honestly be lost, without playing the previous 3! Too Short!!!!(only on the hardest difficulties will it take u some time and that is because u are either dying a lot or killing every1!) Too Repetitive but in the worst way all games have some form of repitition but MGS4's gameplay wears on you Lastly, the game is just so blown out of proportion by fanboys that they themselves dont know how good it actually is!

A GAME OF THE YEAR should be a game that is amazing in all ways but demands special merit because it is a game that does so many things right that you cant find a problem big enough to justify you not playing that game! A GOTY is something that has a little bit of something for every1 and a bit more! It must do off the charts on everything slaes/reviews/fun factor/replay ability! Metal Gear Solid 4 is a forgotten treasure! every1 who wanted it got it on June 12th and finished it a week later at most! No1 plays it anymore any1 who does needs to get out of whatever acoma they were in and come back to reality! I dont what else i need to say to justify what i am saying if you say MGS4 is game of the year say it because u believe so not because you are a fanboy! and you must be able to back it up! I personally say FALLOUT 3 is game of the year and some will agree some wont

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#2 cuddlesofwar
Member since 2008 • 1138 Posts

MGS4 isn't as good as previous MGS games.

I doubt it will win GOTY as it's just not Mainstream enough. I can count on my hand how much of my friends, or just people i know, even know this game had a 4 iteration,let alone bought it.

It's sales have been mainly from the previous MGS fanbase.

I know sales dont effect GOTY, but they give some indication as to what gamers prefer.

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#3 SpinoRaptor24
Member since 2008 • 10316 Posts
Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.
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#4 cuddlesofwar
Member since 2008 • 1138 Posts
Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.SpinoRaptor24
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...
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#5 hhttppp
Member since 2005 • 237 Posts

MGS4 isn't as good as previous MGS games.

I doubt it will win GOTY as it's just not Mainstream enough. I can count on my hand how much of my friends, or just people i know, even know this game had a 4 iteration,let alone bought it.

It's sales have been mainly from the previous MGS fanbase.

I know sales dont effect GOTY, but they give some indication as to what gamers prefer.

I agree that MGS2 was better than 4, but thats about it. MGS may not have mainstream qualities, but it sells like a mainstream game if you havent noticed its not exactly niche. And counting people you know that own it doesnt mean much. I personally know 2 people that own Halo 3, but all my friends who game and all the guys Im taking game design courses with have MGS4. That doesnt mean more people own MGS than Halo. Oh and BTW everyone who games probably knows about MGS4, its a little hard to miss. I also must argue that a lot of MGS fans got fed up with the direction the series is going in and a lot of the people who bought it were new comers starved for a good PS3 game. Even if it was sales from the previous fan base, who cares? The same could be said about Zelda, GTA, Halo, Gears, FF etc.
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#6 SpinoRaptor24
Member since 2008 • 10316 Posts

[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

It wasn't as fun as previous GTA games. Story started good but ended up horrible.

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#7 Chutebox
Member since 2007 • 51613 Posts
Sounds like you're expecting the perfect game to get GOTY. Good luck searching for that.
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#8 Al3x_n90
Member since 2007 • 2561 Posts

[QUOTE="cuddlesofwar"][QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"] Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ... SpinoRaptor24

It wasn't as fun as previous GTA games. Story started good but ended up horrible.

Yeah exactly, GTA4 isn't as fun as Previous gta games, like san andreas. GTAIV deserved a 9.5, not a 10.


! I personally say FALLOUT 3 is game of the year and some will agree some wont


Fallout 3? that game is EXACTLY like oblivion only with guns and bombs :| even the begining is the same

*potential spoiler*

At the begining you have to exit vault 101, it's exactly like exiting the underground at the begining of oblivion.

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#9 Al3x_n90
Member since 2007 • 2561 Posts

MGS4 isn't as good as previous MGS games.

I doubt it will win GOTY as it's just not Mainstream enough. I can count on my hand how much of my friends, or just people i know, even know this game had a 4 iteration,let alone bought it.

It's sales have been mainly from the previous MGS fanbase.

I know sales dont effect GOTY, but they give some indication as to what gamers prefer.


MGS4 is better than MGS3 :| (gameplay wise of course) i don't think you played MGS4, really now the boss fights are much better and enemy soldiers are smarter. Also you have lots of new cool gadgets, like the MG MkII or the solid eye.

None of your friends heard about MGS4? wow in what world do you live in? and if nobody knows about mgs4 how come it sold 4 mil units?

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#10 hhttppp
Member since 2005 • 237 Posts

MGS4 isn't as good as previous MGS games.

I doubt it will win GOTY as it's just not Mainstream enough. I can count on my hand how much of my friends, or just people i know, even know this game had a 4 iteration,let alone bought it.

It's sales have been mainly from the previous MGS fanbase.

I know sales dont effect GOTY, but they give some indication as to what gamers prefer.

MGS4 is better than MGS3 :| (gameplay wise of course) i don't think you played MGS4, really now the boss fights are much better and enemy soldiers are smarter. Also you have lots of new cool gadgets, like the MG MkII or the solid eye.

None of your friends heard about MGS4? wow in what world do you live in? and if nobody knows about mgs4 how come it sold 4 mil units?

Not trying to take this off topic, and yes I agree for the most part MGS4>>>>>>MGS3. But I must say 3 did have a more focused and cohesive story. And even though I consider every aspect of the gameplay to be better in 4, the boss fights in 3 were epic. I think The End was one of the best boss fights in gaming history.
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#11 Nike_Air
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It is a fan service game , but it is also appealing to newcomers and people who were not into the past games if you have been paying attention to a lot of the media and posts from the newcomers. This is largely due to the gameplay and gameplay design - weapons/gadgets/cqc/drebin shop , level design scenarios with different paths , accomodating to different methods of play - action or stealth , replayability because of all of those things combined - plus , fun boss battles , exciting chase scenes , and whatever else they throw at us. Gameplay is king with this metal gear solid. Even if newcomers don't know all of the characters or their pasts , I am sure they can still appreciate a lot of the epic cutscenes and like snake and some of the characters.

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#12 AvIdGaMeR444
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MGS4 isn't as good as previous MGS games.

I doubt it will win GOTY as it's just not Mainstream enough.


Put your personal opinion aside and look at this logically. A game on a Sony console hasn't won in several years. In fact, the last game to win on a Sony console was GTA 3. Now, you could either look at this and think "oh...well I guess that GS won't give MGS4 GOTY since a game on a Sony console hasn't won in several years." Or you could say..."It is definitely time for a game on a Sony console to win GOTY." Couple that with the fact that MGS4 scored a 10 and it is the BEST MGS game in GameSpot's eyes, and you have a strong contender for GOTY. You say it is not mainstream enough? :lol: Hasn't MGS4 aleady sold at least 2 or 3 million?

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#13 Rage010101
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ya we havent heard this one before :roll:

ps: blog it

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#14 fabz_95
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Good arguement, I think MGS4 is amazing but as it is more for MGS fans and hardcore gamers whereas previous GOTY's such as SMG appealed to everyone I think GTAIV may win it.
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#15 Asim90
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Err how are sales not great ?, it sold 4.7 million copies and should reach 5 million soon. The whole 'PS3 games dont sell' is being blown way out of proportion on this forum.
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#16 JKusanagi
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So, a game full of glitches does deserve to be the GOTY according to you huh? (Fallout 3)

Don't expect everyone to have the same tastes you do, I know of a lot of ppl who still play MGS4, I'm one of them, I love it like hell, I would never say its a game everyone would like but not even Zelda is a game everybody likes, you know?

What's with the "Too short" comment? The average lenght for non-rpg games is 10 hours, MGS4 lasts for 15+ on your first through and I love the thing that it can actually be beaten in around 5 hours (skipping every sequence and playing like a real pro) since it means it's a game I can beat in a sit when I have a spare time.

It also has MGO as a plus, so you can have online matches, ofcourse, according to what i read from you, you would be frustrated of being killed so often and probably say it sucks, but its very rewarding when you have the upperhand

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#17 lusitanogamer
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[QUOTE="damedash122"]...because sales were not as great as expected... ...Too Short!!!!... ...Too Repetitive...

So much fail...
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#18 akif22
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[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

nowhere near
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#19 Handin
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The fact that your trying to use sales of MGS4 against it having a chance at being game of the year cleary displays your bias. Game of the year should based on the content of the game not how many people purchase it.
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#20 shemrom
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[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

A game only is flawless if it doesn't have any one issue about it, even though GameSpot gave it a 10, they still have some problems with it, i would say it deserved 9.7
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#21 DarkStar4565
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i respect TC's opinion but mine is the opposite
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#22 metalgear-solid
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MGS4 blows away anything this gen, so that makes it GotY pretty easily.
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#23 SemiMaster
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[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

Actually it is fundamentally flawed when you consider that the series hasn't evolved or fixed any of it's problems since GTA III, namely draw distances and popups that have been around for the past 4 games with Grand Theft Auto in their title, the fact that the gameplay has not evolved one lick since GTA III, whereas Metal Gear Solid 4 has changed its style to accomodate more FPS friendly audiences and other people, and the gameplay is more diverse (if you played it, you will know it). The driving in GTA 4 is horrendous, trying to be Gran Tourismo in a game like that where enemies can take 90 degree corners at high rates of speed is just flawed. Considering about 50% of the game is driving and chases, GTA 4 has it's share of problems and the simple fact is that most people bought into the hype train, including reviewers. Metal Gear Solid 4 evolved on every level and is more technically sound than GTA 4 will ever be.
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#24 Postal_Guy
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MGS 4 should get GoTY.

probably wont though, i think its gonna be GTA IV.

didnt really like GTA IV, every mission felt the same like the previous one.

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#25 shaggygrosser
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GTA IV deserves GOTY, and will probably get it.
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#26 donalbane
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Fallout 3 is my goty. Fo sho.
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#27 carsales
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mgs4 was awesome, but like most games it had little replay value.
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#28 carsales
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It would be nice if you could start with all the guns you had when you beat the game.
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#29 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts
It would be nice if you could start with all the guns you had when you beat the game.carsales
You can.
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#30 jharv
Member since 2007 • 1774 Posts
It would be nice if you could start with all the guns you had when you beat the game.carsales
You clearly haven't played the game.
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#31 Lionheart08
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Okay I actually took the time to read your post TC....your reasons are stupid. Sells weren't as high as expected by PS3 fanboys? I guess the game that sells the most should win by default. :lol:

Also game length isn't requirement. God of War 1 and 2 have had multiple nominations (and actual wins) and they're short as hell with not much replay value.

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#33 damedash122
Member since 2005 • 517 Posts

Okay I actually took the time to read your post TC....your reasons are stupid. Sells weren't as high as expected by PS3 fanboys? I guess the game that sells the most should win by default. :lol:

Also game length isn't requirement. God of War 1 and 2 have had multiple nominations (and actual wins) and they're short as hell with not much replay value.


yes length doesnt matter really neither does sales! but it's an overall expectation! it's supposed 2 do everything! hence y they call it game of the year!!!!!!!!!!! RETARD FANBOY!!!!!!!!

especially when u have games like fallout 3 fable 2 resistance 2 and gears 2 that stand more of a chance if u ask me! so STFU!

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#34 hazuki
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[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

Wait a minute, GTA4 flawless? Flawless my butt.

The framerate rarely goes higher than 25fps. The story can't keep itself consistent. Your looking for someone as in the trailers, but half of the story has nothing to do with it.

The handling IS LESS realistic than the older gtas. Making it harder to turn does not make it realistic. Just the whole game feels like it needed a few more months of polish.

And this is the 360 version I'm talking about.

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#35 carsales
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[QUOTE="carsales"]It would be nice if you could start with all the guns you had when you beat the game.jharv
You clearly haven't played the game.

I know your able to purchase some of the guns after a certain level I have played and beat it. It doesn't give you all the guns.
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#36 ace52387
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I don't have an opinion on MGS4, but I have to completely disagree with anyone that says Fallout 3 should be GOTY. Yeah, it's a good game, but there are MANY, MANY things wrong with it.

The game overall brings back the fallout universe which we haven't seen in decades, but the unique setting only covers up an otherwise mediocre game. The sidequests and the character customization is pretty robust, but the main story line tapers off way too early, and makes no sense unless your a goody goody. It never branches out of the now generic pure good vs pure evil moral choices, and the enemies are repetitive. A couple of builds break the game completely, making it laughably easy at any difficulty towards the end, when it's suppose to get harder, and its full of buggyness. This game has way too many issues to be game of the year. I can't even believe it got the score it did amongst all these reviewers, but the entire business of game reviews isn't something I trust yet. Too many press conferences, not enough raw evaluation of the game.

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#37 Chutebox
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[QUOTE="jharv"][QUOTE="carsales"]It would be nice if you could start with all the guns you had when you beat the game.carsales
You clearly haven't played the game.

I know your able to purchase some of the guns after a certain level I have played and beat it. It doesn't give you all the guns.

Yes it does. It gives you all your guns about 5-10 minutes into the new play.
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#38 mexicangordo
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I respect your opinion but i just have to say that you listed some very very stupid reasons.... Im not bashing on you but i get the feeling that you have not beaten the game yet and even so your reasons behind it are so fanboyish themselves.
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#39 stereointegrity
Member since 2007 • 12151 Posts
[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

repetitive missions, story wasnt all that good, online wasnt wat we all expected...it wasnt flawless and neither was MGS4 but MGS4 made me actually Feel the story and what was going on
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#40 stereointegrity
Member since 2007 • 12151 Posts
[QUOTE="carsales"][QUOTE="jharv"] You clearly haven't played the game.Chutebox
I know your able to purchase some of the guns after a certain level I have played and beat it. It doesn't give you all the guns.

Yes it does. It gives you all your guns about 5-10 minutes into the new play.

haha all u had to do was make it to the lil robot and u had them...this guy clearly hasnt played
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#41 mgsbethatgame
Member since 2007 • 1384 Posts
[QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Plenty of people still play MGS4. GOTY will probably go to GTAIV, even though it doesn't really deserve it.cuddlesofwar
Although i agree. Why does GTA not deserve it? It's flawless ...

flawless all the fun of old gta games was taken away its far from flawless. at least mgs ended on a high note one of the best final boss fights in history