Sony's very own Uncharted and Microsoft's Mass Effect, both games scored in the 8-8.5 range on Gamespot, whereas equally big sites like IGN and 1UP gave greater scores than Gamespot (Mass Effect: 1UP - 9.0, IGN-9.4, Uncharted:1UP 8.5, IGN- 9.0). Metacritic which is also owned by CNET has a metascore of 92 for Mass Effect and 88 for Uncharted. It would be ridiculous to turn a blind eye to such factors which could have played a HUGE role in Jeff's firing.
I read this really interesting story on VGM a couple of months ago. IGN had pre-decided the score on Prey because they wanted an exclusive review and Doug Perry had negotiated a deal with Marci Ditter [2K Games PR manager]. The score would range between 8-9, even before the reviewer had played the game but after David Gornoski protested and the deal was finally dropped, although the game scored a 9 on IGN. The article also says that 2K went shopping to 1UP for the same score but they had obviously refused
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