A magic genie will give you a free console. You must choose betweenXbox 360 or PlayStation 3, you will be given EVERY disc (movies included) that the console can run. You will also have every down loadable game, unlimited online play and every accessory.
Note the if you choose the PS3 you get blu ray movies and all the PS2 and PS1 games (pretend that the genie gave you a PS3 that was back words compatible)
EDIT:Some of you can read (likeBlackTragedy) and understand what I've been saying. Some of you can not understand and I've been trying to explain this for the majority of my posts in this thread. Its not that hard. So stop with the "TC is bias"
Xbox360 gets all of thePS3 gets all of the
Xbox360 games PS3 games
CompatibleXboxgames PS2 games (cause the back words compatible version is being offered)
DVDs PS1 games (same reasoning for PS2)
CDs Blu-Rays, DVDs and CDs
Downloadable games on the marketplace Downloadable games on the PSN store
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