You people are vampires!!! Dam you suck the dam fun out of everything!!!
the cow comes in, my console is better because they could use it to power a space ship.
the hermit pops out of no where-mine is better cause it comes with a free red ring of death.
then the little sheep comes in and say-No mine is better because it helped him loose weight.
Then the guy who thinks he's a hardcore gamer because his PC costs more than his house, comes in and say consoles are lame the pc is the best (NO duhh!!!!!! the pc better be the best if a freaking video card costs more than a console!!!") matter of fact, i dont think pc should be included in the system wars.
I remember when i used to play games without worrying what system its on.
but hey iguess thats how it is, well i will admit SW is kinda fun!!! its like sports for geeks.
But anyway i think its cute and funny that sheeps actually believe mario is getting a 10/10. LOL. Those kids are cute arent they!
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