I'm talking about the hot garbage that was the Xbox 360 CPU which was an in order processor at a time those things weren't even built because they're so horrible.
You guys didn't notice because all you saw was it had 3 cores and was clocked at 3.0 Ghz so it must be pretty good.
I know some smartass will come here to explain to me that it's obvious that last gen the PS3 CPU was great and the 360 one was crap and everyone knows that.
Actually no, that's not accurate. The PS3 CPU WAS HOT GARBAGE!!! It was worse than the 360 CPU by far. The 360 CPU was trash but it was easy to work with at least. The PS3 was just a f&ck show.
But mommy no, don't let the bad man talk about my daddy the cell!!! Waaaa! The cell actually has one CPU core exactly like the 3 cores in the 360. Then it has a bunch of PPE(I think they called them) cores that act as a real shitty GPU. But not really a GPU because it was designed to decode highly compressed video streams in Blu-ray movies.
Sony put that piece of crap CPU because they wanted to corner the next gen HD DVD market and the Playstation was their way to do that. You got that, Sony screwed us all with a $600 Blu-playerstation in 2006. Although it was so expensive, it was actually weaker than the 360 which cost only $400 and was released a full year earlier.
Sony put a super expensive Blu-ray drive and a super expensive CPU that decodes those blu-ray streams and also acts as a GPU for games. The problem is it was so garbage acting as a GPU that Sony had to at the last minute just toss in an Nvidia GPU to help it out. The PS3 was a piece of shit hardware with a horrible CPU 1 core then a crap GPU that decodes Blu-ray streams and an actual decent GPU from Nvidia. That's why it was so expensive and outclassed by a system that was released a FULL YEAR EARLIER and at $200 less. But it could play Blu-ray movies and that was what Sony wanted.
Fast forward to today, the X1X CPU is an out of order, highly optimized 8 core processor that runs at 2.3 Ghz with improvements over Jaguar in many key areas such as built in instructions and much larger internal cache. It's not good or anything but oh boy is it ever a massive improvement over the horrible 360 CPU and the nightmare horror clown dogshit big top circus act that was the Cell.
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