[QUOTE="Tdrummer"] Those people who can't see how the PS3 will eventually take the lead. I mean, hello! Remember a little something called the PS2!! Yeah, that pretty much sold more than freaking milk those five years!! Read a book or something!! 'Cause I'm writing one, okay!! It's about how if the PS3 doesn't destroy the Wii, then WATCH OUT, cuz here comes the PS4!!!
Another thing!! What if 2008 is the year of the Playstation 3????!! Well, then kiss the WII goodbye, 'cause it won't sell so good, will it? Nope. No chance.
In sum, if you're one of those people who can't envision the PS3 being elected president and sinking Japan with it's sales numbers, then F U, buddy!! F U !!!!!!
PS3 will not win this generation.
It can't. History is against it.
No Company has won the console wars two gens in a row (NES, SNES, PS1, PS2)
The console with the most advanced hardware never wins (N64,XBOX,GAME GEAR,DREAMCAST,GAMECUBE,3DO)
and the console with the least advanced hardware always wins (PS2,PS1,GAME BOY, SNES)
but hey, they're not cancelling PS3 exclusives for Wii versions are they,... oh wait, Monster Hunter 3,.....
Ninty pitched the N64 and GameCube as hardcore gamers systems. Where they? Yeah. Did that sell it? NOPE.
Same with Saturn, Dreamcast.
Face it Sony is already down for the count just by the odds.
I don't know why you're so attached to a company.
Remember, Sony is just a electronics giant that wanted to dominate and suffocate yet another industry, and until now they've been doing it.
No more.
Microsoft, well at least they give their consumers what they want immediately with Halo, Gears, Deadrising, etc.
yeah, so how did that Walkman of the 21st century thing work out for the PSP?
can't beat the iPod, can't beat the DS, can't beat the Wii. Sony has been getting its butt kicked this entire decade.
and it isn't stopping here.
Suffocate the industry? How about revolutionize it? That's exactly what Sony's doing. God.
What company inovates? Sony.
What company knows what the consumer needs? Sony
What company wants to make money, but pretty much give it back to the gaming populace through inovation and renovation? Sony
What company wants you to like great, incredible graphics? Sony
What company continually brings new ideas to the table and thinks outside the box of stupid people? Sony Sony Sony
Check. Check. Check. Check.
So deal with it. Yep. Deal with it. Cuz it ain't gonna stop here. It's gonna keep on chuggin' like a half drunked college student at a free beer night trying to impress four onlooking hot chicks. That just happens.
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