You know you should switch review sites when...
- The only bad things they can say about Assassin's Creed are; "confusing ending, a few small visual glitches." (GAMESPOT)
- They dock Shadow of the Colosuss because it lacks a story. (PSX EXTREME)
- A platformer gets docked because it has "too much variety." (GAMESPOT)
- Folklore becomes a AAAE (IGN)
- Journalists come into system wars to defend their own written reviews (GAMESPOT)
- It gives Lair AAA. (Play Magazine, AceGamez)
- The reviews of big titles come 3 weeks late. (GAMESPOT)
- It feel Crisis Core deserves a 40% or below (G4 XPLAY, GameCritics)
- Killzone is AAAA (AceGamez)
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