Hello people. lets see who are the actual *CASUAL* gamers with your list of conquests in games.
1) Sonic the hedgehog, 2) Sonic 2, 3) sonic 3, 4) Sonic and Knuckles, 5) Streets of rage, 6) Golden Axe, 7) Wonder Boy 8 ) Super Metroid 9) Super Mario World 10 ) Breath of Fire 3 11) Streets of Rage 2 12) Streets of Rage 3 13) Resident evil 1 14) Resident evil 2 15) Resident evil 3 16) resident evil 4 17) Resident evil 0, 18 ) Resident evil Code Veronica 19) Resident evil: UC 20 ) Super Paper Mario 21) Super Mario Galaxy 22) Metroid Prime 1 23) metroid Prime 3 24) Final fantasy 7 25) Final fantasy 8 26) Final Fantasy Tactic 27) Final fanasty tactics advance 28 ) Metal Gear Solid 29) Metal gear Solid 2 30) Sonic the hedgehog master system 31) Alex the kid 32) resident evil orignal 33) Medal of honour 34)Ominusha 35) Devil may cry 36) GTA3 37) Pokemon blue, 38 ) pokemon gold 39) perfect dark 40 )golden eye
Theres a list of what games iv done from the top of my head. I'm sure iv done more but i will add more when i can think of them lol.
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