Personally I'm looking forward to Twisted Metal the most. I never played it before but the trailer blew me away.
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TESV: Skyrim, The Last Guardian, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (I can feel it being pushed back to 2012 already) and everything Nintendo hasn't announced yet.
Man. So many. I'm gonna say The Last Guardian or Journey just because they are a step away from what's being done right now.TheMoreYouOwnI never played any of team icos games but shadow of the colosus looked cool. I don't like the waylast guardian looks. The whole half chicken half dog thing don't appeal to me.
I never played any of team icos games but shadow of the colosus looked cool. I don't like the waylast guardian looks. The whole half chicken half dog thing don't appeal to me. Try the Team ico Collection. If you like that, then I'd give the Last Guardian a chance.[QUOTE="TheMoreYouOwn"]Man. So many. I'm gonna say The Last Guardian or Journey just because they are a step away from what's being done right now.jdc6305
The games that I will definitely be getting on release: Mortal Kombat (9), Gears of War 3, and the Team Ico Collection
The games that I will be keeping an eye on: The Last Guardian, Shogun 2, Brink, (if it comes out next year) Metal Gear Solid Rising, and Portal 2
If I had to pick just 1, probably Uncharted 3... But Mass Effect 2, inFAMOUS 2, Batman Arkham City &Red Faction Armageddon are up there.
If I had to pick just 1, probably Uncharted 3... But Mass Effect 2, inFAMOUS 2, Batman Arkham City &Red Faction Armageddon are up there.
Aw man, I can't believe I forgot to mention Batman: Arkham City :(
If Diablo III comes out next year: Diablo III
If Diablo III DOES NOT come out next year: Skyward Sword (Uncharted 3 tied with it probably)
Rage, love your icon btwPersonally I'm looking forward to Twisted Metal the most. I never played it before but the trailer blew me away.
Diablo 3, though it will probably come out in 2012 I bet..Blizzard doesn't release games until they are perfect. There will probably at least be a beta though in 2011.
No other non-subsscription based game will give you as many hours of amazingness as Diablo 3 will..if it's as great as D2 was, that is. Hell, I'd still be playing Diablo 2 if it wasn't for the cheats/dupes.
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