Leon S Kennedy (RE 2,4, RE 4 Remake)
Alyx Vance (The Orange Box)
Saren (Mass Effect)
The Boss (MGS 3 : Snake Eater)
Leon S Kennedy (RE 2,4, RE 4 Remake)
Alyx Vance (The Orange Box)
Saren (Mass Effect)
The Boss (MGS 3 : Snake Eater)
Male: Max Payne, Doomguy, Agent 47, Gordon Freeman, JC denton, Leon Kennedy.
Female: Max Caulfield (life is strange). cant think of any other.
Male: Again too many. Andrew Ryan (BioShock), Dr Breen (Half life 2), Vaas (Far cry 3).
Antagonist: Easy. SHODAN (system shock 2).
To be honest I don't really worry about that sort of stuff.
its typical indzman thread.
Protag Male: Kratos - Rage fiend from original trilogy. Stoic badass from new ones is good but original is just hilarious to watch on screen.
Protag female: Lara Croft - OG one from TR 1-5. Cry raider from new games is terrible.
Antagonist Male: Heihachi Mishima from Tekken
Antagonist Female: The boss from MGS is a pretty good choice.
Female antagonist: The computer from Portal and Portal 2. It makes me laugh so much.
Male protagonist: duke nukem (he defines the male gender)
Male antagonist: baldurs gate 2 irenicus (power and intellect)
Female protagonist: I don't remember one that I have liked a lot.
Male Protagonist: Cloud Strife
Female Protagonist: Bayonetta
Male Antagonist: Sephiroth
Female Antagonist: Lady Dimitrescu
Male Protag: Arthur Morgan
Female Protag: Amecia from the Plague Tale games (probably spelled wrong)
Can't be arsed to think of antagonists right now
It's tough because there are many.
Maybe Alucard and Samus. I like Milla Maxwell but she's not in as many games as Samus. Dave from Dave the Diver is chill too.
I forgot to put antagonists. I'll have to think on that.
Negative to having a favorite. I haven't been drawn to a game because of their characters, but it is interesting reading folks pick.
not one character you have said omg he or she is badass? come on you must have some that sticks out over the other.
Doomguy from Doom 1 and 2
Samus Aran
Mother Brain
snes super Metroid still the best game ever played. I was in 11th grade and my mother could not get me up for school. that music at 4am in the ghost ship. I felt like I was alone on the planet.
To be honest I don't really worry about that sort of stuff.
I can't figure out what games you like to play... Is it racers or bust?
I've played and beaten every Mass Effect game (except Andromeda yet to start that one) and got all the achievements for them, and if you played them on Xbox you would know you needed to complete the first game 6 times to do that.
Thing is, I just don't care about the stories, as long as i'm having fun that's all that matters. Yes racing games are my favourite genre, but I play most genres of games. I just don't care for the feels or watching cutscenes for hours on end, I see those as an intrusion on my gaming time.
To be honest I don't really worry about that sort of stuff.
I can't figure out what games you like to play... Is it racers or bust?
He's like the only guy on the face of the planet who asserts he doesn't like music. That should tell you all you need to know. Lol
To be honest I don't really worry about that sort of stuff.
I can't figure out what games you like to play... Is it racers or bust?
He's like the only guy on the face of the planet who asserts he doesn't like music. That should tell you all you need to know. Lol
Say wut now....? 😂 Last lap hate music? For some reason that makes so much sense, but like... Wut?
@jaydan: This coming from a guy who thinks he's some great movie critic by sitting in the lounge and critiquing movies lol.
From the guy that hates music, weak comeback. And you're not even in a position to criticize film critique when you don't even watch movies. Lol
Male protagonist:
Female protagonist:
@jaydan: Dude I've watched plenty of movies in my life, not a lot in the last decade or so, but even if I did I wouldn't head to the lounge and critique them like you do like you're a professional movie reviewer 🤣
And just because I think music I games gets repetitive doesn't mean I hate it, what's with you and this hate stuff?
@jaydan: Dude I've watched plenty of movies in my life, not a lot in the last decade or so, but even if I did I wouldn't head to the lounge and critique them like you do like you're a professional movie reviewer 🤣
And just because I think music I games gets repetitive doesn't mean I hate it, what's with you and this hate stuff?
Lol, and you're a professional car guy apparently lol.
Least I have gotten paid to critique film (not from this site obv) and people here take my recommendations and come back thanking me for throwing a movie their way.
Can't say you have that kind of influence around here, but your buffoonery is entertaining at least and that's why we love you. Lol
@davillain: I don't hate music, I just prefer to turn it off in games because it gets repetitive, hear me out.
If you say play an old school turn based rpg, take the FF games for instance, you're walking around and then a fight starts, the same music plays EVERYTIME, now if you get into a thousand fights which is normal you're going to hear that same music a thousand times, thats why I mute it.
I have done it for probably 2 decades now. Now things might have changed and they now have a range of songs that play in those circumstances I really don't know, but I'm used to it now that I don't think I would ever go back.
A question to you, surely you don't like every bit of music from every game you play right? So what if a track comes on do you don't like do you just grit your teeth and listen to it or do you mute it/skip it etc?
@davillain: I don't hate music, I just prefer to turn it off in games because it gets repetitive, hear me out.
If you say play an old school turn based rpg, take the FF games for instance, you're walking around and then a fight starts, the same music plays EVERYTIME, now if you get into a thousand fights which is normal you're going to hear that same music a thousand times, thats why I mute it.
I have done it for probably 2 decades now. Now things might have changed and they now have a range of songs that play in those circumstances I really don't know, but I'm used to it now that I don't think I would ever go back.
A question to you, surely you don't like every bit of music from every game you play right? So what if a track comes on do you just grit your teeth and listen to it or do you mute it/skip it etc?
So what kind of genres you enjoy and what are some bands/artists you enjoy?
I could have sworn you said it on multiple occasions you don't like or listen to music. But if I'm mistaken, I'm sure you can prove me wrong by telling what you enjoy. Lol
not one character you have said omg he or she is badass? come on you must have some that sticks out over the other.
Most games that take the badass direction with their characters reads cringe. 😂 The answer is still no to the bold though.
@jaydan: Where have I said I was a professional car guy?
And you've been paid to critique films? That's the funniest thing I've read this week 🤣🤣🤣
Oh and you think you have influence here because someone thanks you for saying hey mate this movie is OK, again funny af 🤣
@jaydan: Where have I said I was a professional car guy?
And you've been paid to critique films? That's the funniest thing I've read this week 🤣🤣🤣
Oh and you think you have influence here because someone thanks you for saying hey mate this movie is OK, again funny af 🤣
I do a lot of things, film industry and all. Lol
@last_lap: To answer your question, its very rarely I listen to bad or repetitive music in older games such as RPG/JRPG games in general. Golden Sun games for example can get repetitive but at times, I don't think about mute the music at all. I like some of the tones, even if it gets repetitive but I do appreciate nice music in my games.
If it's a game such as Grand Theft Auto or Watch Dogs, I'll sometimes turn off the radio station if the game isn't playing my favorite Bands that is. I guess this explains why you aren't into listening to the same music which is fine. I'm thinking RL music you don't like lol.
@davillain: I like real life music for the most part, like everyone we all have bands we like and others we dont want to listen to.
I'm old school and still have discs with music on them. I dont have an itunes account or whatever people do to listen to music these days, i mostly listen to the local radio station as it plays music from the 80's all the way through to todays music.
Male protagonist: Garrett from the Thief games. He's badass without being overpowered, has a personality without being over the top, and is funny without being quippy. They don't make protagonists like him these days.
Female protagonist: took me playing through the second game to finally admit it, but it's Aloy from the Horizon games. However, while she does have more going for her, I must also confess that she went into the contest already 2-0 up, to use a soccer parlance, by being a redhead with a bow. Redheads and archery are two of my weaknesses.
Male antagonist: Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2). Not everyday I went into into the final boss fight genuinely really, really wanting to kill someone.
Female antagonist: SHODAN. As the game says; she should not be allowed to play God - she's too good at it.
Off the top of my head for male protagonist I’d have to go with Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank obviously. There aren’t any female protagonists from games I’ve played that jump out at me so I can’t mention anyone for that.
not one character you have said omg he or she is badass? come on you must have some that sticks out over the other.
Most games that take the badass direction with their characters reads cringe. 😂 The answer is still no to the bold though.
so kratos and dente are gringe? so no manly characters got it. I knew you like this he/she characters.
Off the top of my head for male protagonist I’d have to go with Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank obviously. There aren’t any female protagonists from games I’ve played that jump out at me so I can’t mention anyone for that.
you will be my soul reaver my angle of death. don't forget raziel.
not one character you have said omg he or she is badass? come on you must have some that sticks out over the other.
Most games that take the badass direction with their characters reads cringe. 😂 The answer is still no to the bold though.
so kratos and dente are gringe? so no manly characters got it. I knew you like this he/she characters.
How did you derive any of what you just wrote from my comment?🤔
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