To me if we're talking about most hated character, it has to be this guy:
All he talks about is "The hero bla bla bla....Serrah this....Serrah what....." I really hope he dies in FF XIII!
Really Square Enix, whats so good about Snow that you made him main character?
Followed closely by:
All she said was save Cocoon bla bla bla and yet she didn't do anything!! But everyone still talking about her!? Serrah guide us, we must follow Serrah's words, not Barthandelus....Geez I'm so glad she died early in the game
And don't forget:
Really really annoying character, much prefer Tali than this guy
And finally, this guy:
I don't want to give spoilers, so just play the game and I'm pretty sure you will hate this bit**
So that's my list for my most hated character this gen, what about you?
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