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Dark Souls without a doubt. It is the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, one of my favorite games this gen.
Batman Arkham City is second place, I loved Arkham Asylum and Arkham City looks even better.
Battlefield 3 looks good but the game is a shooter, a genre I am not particulary fond of.
Mass Effect 3 is a Bioware game and all I have to say is "eww... Bioware."
Skyrim looks to be the flat out worst game this year that there is a chance that I will be playing. I am tired of explaining why I think this game will be a complete trainwreck.
Mass Effect 3 and Batman AC. I need to see more on Dark Souls, before I consider it, and I'm not really feeling it for BF3 or Skyrim.
Pretty sure Madness Returns is coming out in June/July or something.Dark Souls, followed by Madness Returns.
I can't belive you put up games like Dark Souls but not Deus Ex !! lol. Anyway mine is a tie between Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex. Both will easily crush the competition and claim all rewards
Don't have one. I'm interested in Skyward Sword (will definitley be buying it) and Dragon Quest X. (Waiting for more info on that one.)
My answer would have been ME3. But seeing as it's been delayed to early 2012, I now go with Batman Arkham City.
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