First of all I would make it clear that these are my personal opinions, I not urging you orpersuadingyou to agree with me, but if I am making a false statement then please correct me. If you agree with me and want to elaborate, then please do so
Nintendo Wii
To me, nintendo is the lucky bastard, both Microsoft and Sony werecaught off guard, when nintendo came out. Even though being outdated( compare to 360 and Ps3) nintendo pulled it off because of their motion sensing technology. Now that both Microsoft and Ps3 have come up with their own motion sensing tech, there is no need for me to buy WII. Frankly, I believe this is probably the last successful console coming from Nintendo, because I don't believe Nintendo will be able to come up with better tech than MS and Sony, this time they will be prepared. Nintendo is better off being a third party, with their arcade like games(mario), targeting their loyal fanbase( which I amdefinitely not part of). Games like Legend of Zelda would look better on 360 and PS3. Wii Lagacy will be of the console that attracted a new market called casual gamers.
Xbox 360
Except for the technical issues, 360 is a great engine. Even though I sold my 360, so I could buy a Ps3, it was not because I didn't like 360, its was that most of my close friends had a PS3, some of them had both consoles, but I can't afford both. Project Natal looks very promising, but its catered towards the casual gamers not me, plus I don't know how they will be able to make a first person shooter with this tech. I see stuff like Milo, or tennis like casual games coming out from Natal, not my cup of tea. Some really good exclusive games came out from 360, but none of them really made me excited, in other words, made be go back to 360.
Play Station 3
Out of the three, I thinkultimitely PS3 is the best engine. One reason that kept me rooting for PS3 are the unique exclusives. Metal Gear Solid with top notch graphics, great story, and the games play itself. MAG with its scale of 256 players, I love first person shooters like with big maps. The up coming games I am looking forward to are Gods of War 3, Heavy Rain, Agent, and many more. The New Motion Sensing Gear looks great, unlike Natal, this one is for hardcore gamers. PS3 has been very unlucky, first the unsuspected success of Wii, that came out on the same time with PS3, and the high price, we have to take into consideration, that the PS3 initial production cost is estimated to have been 805for the 20GB model and 840 for the 60GB model.However, they were priced at US$499 and US$599,meaning that every unit was sold at an estimated loss of $250.In January 2009 Sony announced that their gaming division was profitable in Q3 2008, and with third party like Rockstar making an exclusive for PS3, I think PS3 has a bright future.
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