Finally, Sony and ms are going to have motion's nice to see lemmings and cows teaming up to bring this fad to an end...
We'll have the games, graphics, all third party wii devs will now move over to our system, we'll see ports of like every single game not by nintendo, and we'll have the graphics...
I was going to get a wii at first but I knew holding out was a good idea, now everything on the wii will become multiplat, it will be like ps2 and xbox games, we'll be the xbox in this case, getting their titles third party now with improved graphics, and every review will note that and suggest getting the 360/ps3 version...
Superior online, all those wii ware titles and stuff by indie devs will be on ps store and live market place, because third party is where the moneys and and any smart developer will know putting the games in our store will make them richer...
Every wii game except those published by nintendo will be on 360/ps3, bam, no more need to get a wii, take the gaming market and casual wii market one step at a time, smart move Sony/Microsoft...
And to all you sheep claiming we ripped your idea off, welcome to high definition WE had last gen *480 has been there since last gen*, welcome to playing dvds/bllu-ray *Oh, wait, nintendo still didn't do that yet, oh well*, also, welcome to cd technology *Nintendo had catridges for like over a decade until GC*, and all your other ideas.Life is all about taking ideas, your pants, computer, monitor, earings, cloths, style, culture, EVERYTHING came from someone else, so I don't want to here that 'BU BUH YOU TOOK OUR IDEA:cry:*
We can play dvds/blu ray, great graphics, hardcore games, superior online, great exclusives, classic controller option, videos, movies, tv shows, great demos, stores, AND now the casual market....dang, any 360/ps3 owner gets everything this gen, LOl, if these motion controllers actually work, it's over for the wii...
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