I don't know why, but i have a sneaking suspicion that Crysis 2 will disappoint both hermits and consolites alike both visually and gameplay wise; color me pessimistic. I am hoping for the best though for what its worth.eNT1TY
First i understand what you meant in your pervious post and i agree totally. Second i agree on that feeling. If it is a bit simplified in gameplay in terms of controls and weapons are more accurate and the gameplay is easier and more casual. People who enjoy the game by playing on high difficulities and use all modes, wont enjoy the game.If it does not look as good as the first, then people who liked the graphics wont like it and console users wont like it, if the gameplay is exactly the way it is. The thing is they gonna have to change alot of stuff to make it balanced for both audiencies and if they do, i am not quite sure if it will turn out allright, more of a mess and judging by what most developers do, they wont even bother with that.
The creator said in the last gamespot interview that the game will be the same on all systems and the only diffirence will be the graphics on the pc. Judging by that i guess it will be pretty simplified and dumbed down, but anyway lets wait and see.
However if the pc version has no lean like mw2, then i cant say i will be suprised.
I enjoyed a lot of the scenery.
But there wasn't enough variety in landscapes (It's only tropical and frozen tropical...with one alien ship sequence).
Other than not enough aesthetic variety, I felt the gameplay was poorly balanced. I beat the entire game on a higher difficulty setting by turning invisible and whacking people with barrels.
Also; helicopters will follow you no matter where you go. I've tested this in dark water, under dense forests, throughout interconnected houses, etc...
So I feel the AI is also extremely weak.
I thought the game was above average, but not quite 'great' by my subjective standards.
I agree on the lack of variety, the ai and the poor balanced gameplay. Also sometimes it felt too specific. Like with the helicopters: "We are not gonna leave, just pick a missile launcher and take us out" Why i cant do something else isntead? Why cant i wait till they leave? Or mount a machinegun and take them down with that? Or throw an explosive barrel and blow them out? But NOOOOOO you have to do it with the missle launcher.I mean come on, the game is about freedom.I hope in crysis 2 they use some of the awesome options i just pointed out.
Also as you said the gameplay often felt unbalanced, both in accuracy and hitpoints. Plus sometimes its easy to expose something and sometimes it feels to specific. For example, you can overuse the cloak and easilly beat the game. (Emp or something in crysis 2 or a jammer to prevent you from using it at some point will be a cool idea) I remember in patch 1.2 they increased the damage you cause to your enemies in order to balance the gameplay. In crysis warhead they increased the damage you can take but also your enemies that use nanosuites have increased damage resistance. So hear i am against the soldiers using nanosuits and i wanna use explosives to take them out and the sniper rilfe, i keep shooting and keep shooting and they dont die no matter what. I use maximum strength and they die pretty fast. Also i use the tranqulizer darts and they go down instantly.
What happen to the freedom? To the abillity to play the game the way you want? I wish in crysis 2 they allow you to use a ton of ways and weapons to fight your enemies and there wont be exploits like that. So at the end i thought it was an ok game but by no means a great game
. (I also dont like vampire masquarade for the shame reasons, so i guess you got an the idea, that i dont like unbalanced games that one way of playing is usually far more effective than the other that works like an exploit and makes the game much harder for the players who dont use that way of fighting)
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