Hello, System Wars! I wanted to ask you:
What are your top 5 shooters when it comes to skill requirement/gap?
Here are my top 5 with elaborations as to why. Feel free to list and elaborate on your choices.
1.Quake- this is by far, without a shadow of a doubt, the most demanding shooter I have ever played. In the early 2000's, I was a Quake III semi-pro, but it literally took me 2 YEARS to get good enough to play with the big boys. No other game has taken me more than 6 months to master (I am a nautral at shooting things lol, in game or not) and Quake's jumping and dodging mechainics took waht seemed like eons to learn. This is why Quake is my #1 shooter.
2.Gears of War series- I know, I know, "console shooter?? lulz!!" But Gears of War is different. The biggest difference is its third person view/cover system. This game play completely unlike any other shooter out there. Another thing is the starting weapons and power weapons. Everyone starts with a gun that can one-shot-kill (shotgun) and this makes planning your moves very important. The reason I rank Gears of War so high is for 2 reasons:
1. The learning curve is far greater than ANY other console shooter, bar NONE. wall-bouncing and shotgun tricks are nearly as essential to pros as the movement in Quake was. a skilled player will nearly always beat a new player in a shotgun battle due to their movement. New players just can't hit them. Shotgun battles between experienced players is like watching a deadly dance.
2. Because Gears of War is on console, and plays nothing like any other console shooter, the game is hard for ANYONE to learn. PC players are plauged by the use of a controller (which in this game I belive is better due to the bouncing mechanics, it is near impoosible to do with M & KB.) And console players are plauged by the fact that Gears of War has NO AUTO-AIM. Yep, you heard me right system wars, no auto aim in a console shooter. Ain't that something?
3. Tribes- Tribes, with its clas$ system, jetpacks, and super-fast movement, is incredibly different (and difficult) compared to other shooters. A Call of Duty or Battlefield player would never hit his target, as 90% of the time they are flying through the air. The ridiculous movement speed makes Tribes one of those games that takes a huge amount of practice to become great at, hence its #3 spot on my list.
4.Team Fortress- Team Fortress combines squad, arena, and clas$ based gameplay all into one neat package. The game alllows individuals to hold their own, but teamwork will always trump individual skill. This combination, coupled with it's longstanding player base, has made me think that Team Fortress takes far more work than people let on. This earns it the #4 spot.
5.Halo- Another console shooter, Halo is however one of the few to do it right. Instead of trying to compensate the game for bad players (cough* Cod cough*) it simply forces noobs to either adapt or die. 1 Individual with the right skills can take down an entire team of lessers, using Halo's golden triangle (weapons, grenades, and melee) and the skill gap becomes quite apparant as you climb the ranks. In Halo 3, where Rank was based oon skill, there were very few players at the top due to the continuous showmanship of skill it takes to maintain the skill ranking and make it climb higher. Teamwork is also very essential, as power weapons and map control determine the victor in a teamfight. There is a reason Halo has been on MLG's Pro circuit for so long.
The 1 drawback to Halo is its considerable use of aim-assist, but I do not belive this hinders the skill it takes to play because the aim assist does not lock to specific body parts, but bullets do do more damage to the head than anywhere else. Th player must still make sure he is aimed correctly before shooting in order to win the duel with his opponent.
In conclusion:
Some of you may be wondering why I did not include a few games, one of which may be Counter-Strike. Truth is, I did not include Counter strike because it follows the first-to-see wins rule. 90% of the time if an opponent gets behind you you are dead. all of the games above do not share that mechanic with CS. In all of them it is possible to completely outplay your ghost opponent and make him pay for his sneakyness. That is why I do not view Counter Strike as requiring as much skill.
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