There are a lot of devs I really loved, but they became average at best now. Since this list is for "now", I won't put companies like Sega, Square, Konami, Disney or Campcom on the list. There best times were a long time ago. This is by no means a final list as it probably changes over time with each and every game they make.
1. Nippon Ichi Software: It really doesn't matter what they make, I buy it. I loved every title they made so far. Please do not confuse them with their American publisher called NISA, they do publish a lot of crap. Even though they didn't do much this year, it stays here as I really, really love them.
2. Nintendo: Right now they have an awesome year. Since it's a current list, they have to be 2nd place.
3. Bandai Namco: I'm not really buying everything they make, but they make a lot of fantastic games. I'm sure a lot don't realize how much they make. That they for example make the Tales of series, Tekken series, but also Indies like Little Nightmares or VR games like Summer Lesson. There is so much to love from them.
4. Atlus: Yeah, they're here for Persona ;)
5. Platinum Games: they almost always deliver.
Honorable mentions:
Blizzard (Overwatch is great, Diablo 3 is finally good and Starcraft 2 is awesome. Don't care about Hearthstones and Heroes of the Storm)
Firaxis (Civilization and XCom... do I really need to say more? Civ 6 was my GotY of 2016)
Koei Tecmo (I love the Warriors games, can't get into the Atelier games though)
... I probably missed some ^^
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