2002 , Max Payne 1 PC.
Well ?
So. Very. Long. Ago. 😅
My first system was the Atari 2600. Not sure what the first game I played was. Some old arcade game prior to the 2600 though.
Can't remember the exact year, mid 80s.
First system was Atari 2600. First game, not sure. Combat or Space Invaders. The Atari was a hand me down from the older bro, already had a bunch of games.
I think it was commodore 64, not sure about the game.
I also remember seeing people play Duke Nukem 3D, hail to the king baby!
But what really got me into gaming was the SNES, in fact I was playing SNES games today. Still love everything about that era
What sold me on PC gaming was the original Age of Empires (everyone was playing the demo first, then the full game) and then Half Life in 1998 was a life altering experience.
Max Payne was bloody fantastic as well:
Ah, shit, man, long time ago. Must've been around 87-88. My bro got a NES, and I played it without any idea of what I was doing. First game would have been Mario, I guess. Or Duck Hunt.
started gaming in the 90's.. on PC of course. my very first game was Putt Putt Goes to the Moon which is very much a kiddie game, but I remember loving it.
my first "proper" game was C&C Red Alert I believe
1980s sometime, either on NES or Atari , I don't remember but they were my brothers consoles, either Super Mario Bros or the Atari Star Wars games. We also had a Master System wirh games like Alien Syndrome and Zillion. Can't remember what game I stuck hands on first. He also got a Genesis later and Turbo Grafx. I inherited those years later via hand-me-downs.
The first console our parents got explicitly for me and my younger sister was a Super Nintendo which came with Super Mario World.
didnot remember.
was playing sega genesis in 96 97 then move to PC with introduction of Max payne and Half life.
Probably some game on a Mac from 92, it must have been brick breaker or something. A long ass time ago. Either that or Mario bros.
I played the Atari VCS in 1982 before it changed its name to the 2600. What first game I played, I do not know. It has been more than 40 years.
The first system I owned was the Atari 2600 in late 1983 when the video game crash started.
I still have memories of the video game crash, such as discounted games appearing at stores in bargain bins.
Atari 2600 was first console, like many OG's.
First game I played? Shit IDK, I think some floppy disk computer dig dug looking game. Not even sure if it had a name.
But I started gaming when arcades were still a thing and some of the first games were Galaga, Space Invaders, pac-man & Pit Fall.
The year I started gaming was probably 1986 or 87. I've been privileged to live and actively play thru every numbered generation of gaming staring in 89' with Sega vs Nintendo (I was a Sega main).
89' with Sega vs Nintendo (I was a Sega main).
Smart man. I had a Sega Genesis and loved it.
I actually didn’t have my own game system for a long time. I started playing on friends systems. I remember playing NES back in the day.
Man... I'm not sure what the first game I ever played was, but it was either on the Atari 2600 or the NES. However my first gaming memory as a little guy was Super Mario Brothers (1) on the NES probably around 87 to 89, and it completely blew me away. I've never looked back since then.
Atari 2600 a Boxing game, Pong and Basketball Game, Amiga Street Fighter 2 and a soccer game, PC Ghost Busters it was on a floppy disk, Snes Mario, Sega Genesis Zombie ate my neighbors, Gamboy Paperboy and motor cross game, PS1 Tekken, PS2 Tekken Tag Tournament, Xbox Halo, PS3 Resistance, x360 gears 1-3, ps4 don’t remember and PS 5 Returnal
N64 and i think it was 1999. The first game i ever played was in the mid 90's, and i believe it was on the Saturn, but i was clueless af back then, and have no idea what game i played was and on what exactly, i just remember it was a racing game. As for the first game i owned on the N64, it was Tonic Trouble. Me and Ubisoft we go a LONG way🤣
New stand-up Pong Machine in my dad's bowling alley.
Magnavox Odyssey Console, 1972. ;o
Yup, older than dirt. lol :P
Very early 1980’s,Atari 2600,Defender? I could be wrong with the year,not sure? The game could also be Frostbite?
The first game i remember playing was Elite on the BBC micro. Neither were mine though. there may have been a few text adventures before that but i can't remember them clearly.
I had no idea how to use the BBC micro. I just remember getting killed a lot, crashing into many space stations and still being in awe of it all. I think i developed my hatred of loading times from it too though since we had to load games from cassette. I think i still remember what Elites data sounds like :P. We didnt have any documentation for it nor access to the BBC channel where they were teaching people how to use it. Couldn't exactly hop on the internet to get information back then either.
The first system that was given to me, that was mine (well technically i had to share it with my brother...boooo :( ) was a Nes with the konami rendition of TNMT (i was a big fan of TMNT at the time). I mostly loved it, jank and all. I had no concept of jank at the time. Seriously the game is pretty borked in places :S. But I was also disappointed it didn't have the same intro as the 80s cartoon.
The first system I bought for myself, with my own money, was the GB Advance. I actually really miss that form factor for handhelds. Robust but still also very pocket friendly while keeping the screen protected (though with gorilla glass that's less of an issue now). I can't remember the first game I got for it. Golden Sun maybe.
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