Just wandering, dont hear much about them anymore.
PS. sorry, i posted it in the wrong forum!
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It's totally fine to post something like this here, it's better than 90% of the other threads anyway. My vote goes to Saturn, I'm pretty sure it's the first console that I played with. It's very fun especially when you can only play it once a week at my Uncle/ Grandparents' place, with my other cousin, and my siblings and I was only seven. Every mediocre games with scores from 4's and upwards suddenly turned into masterpiece in my eyes. An experience that I doubt will ever happen again.
Few funny facts, I used to think my Uncle is the most hardcore gamer in the world, seriously, with my sister assisting him by reading the the walkthroughs of Tomb Raider and Biohazrad next to him. We don't even know how to do hadouken in street fighters lol. And I always thoguht racing games suck because my Uncle would told me to drive in manual and I never change gears nor brake.
Btw, can anyone tell me when did the Saturn come out, thanks.
can't beat square in its golden days along with insomniac/naughty dog :D. 2nd place goes to n64
well this should prob be in legacy games but ah wlel.
My personal favorite is the N64. Cuz of all the gems released on it(mainly by Rare.)
like Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Toie, DK 64, Jet Force gemni, Mario 64, LOZ OOT, Pokemon Snap, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conkers BFD, the list goes on and on and on...
I really love the Super Nintendo. I was playing it back when I was 3.It brings back memories. Super Mario World is one of the greatest games of all time.
PS. sorry, i posted it in the wrong forum!GameFailed
Don't worry about that. The mods don't really care about keeping things strictly on-topic here. Just don't make any character vs. character threads and you'll be fine.
My favorite was the N64.
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