Why all of the excitement of a possible zelda announcement at E3? Do u guys want another rehash that bad? Seriously, in the past few years, let's just say since 2000, what has been innovative about the zelda series? Aboslutely nothing! It has been the same freaking formula rehashed over and over again. The dungeon system and the easy to beat bosses, the boring combat, the same stupid puzzles. Don't get me wrong when OOT came out I was in heaven. That was because it was completely new. But now 10 years have passed since then, and me (and many other people i know) dont feel compelled to play another zelda at all. We'll get through a temple or two and we'll just stop, because it literally is the same game.
Not only that, but Ninty wont even update the game to today's standards! No voice acting? Completely linear gameplay? A terrible shop system? And Hyrule seems like a ghostland, theres nobody outside of like 2 towns! What is this? Why would I even care about saving like 50 people in a video game? Seriously, playing twilight princess makes me feel like i'm playing OOT with better graphics. Nintendo even put in the same crappy music!!! Why does Nintendo insist on making the same game over and over and over again? I just don't understand why they can't get their act together and help update it so it at least seems a little bit like a modern game. I'm sick of all this nostalgic crap. Almost everything needs to be changed.
So sheep what's so good about zelda?
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