I really hope Nintendo isn't dumb enough to launch new hardware that soon. Christ, that'd be Sega stupid. But at the same time, just LOOK at how absolutely abysmal Wii U is actually doing. Can't really blame them for wanting to move on if they do that, but know doing that will hurt them. They are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't place right now. Even if they release a new console as powerful as PS4 or more than, I'd still end up with poor third party support that would leave PS4 and Xbox One remaining as better values, and when Sony and MS later released new hardware after a few more years, NX would be both poorly supported AND grossly outdated.
Me, I'd bite down and get real, try to stretch it into at least the end of 2017. Find a way to do a Kinect style divorce from the gamepad, pack in a classic controller, and slash the ever living **** out of that grossly inflated price, (being $100 less than PS4 is a joke, being $50 less than Xbone is simply outrageous… I'd aim for $149) get more storage in the system, pump out some more games from less appreciated IPs, get SERIOUS about the Virtual Console, (which has been a running joke on the U side) and stop dragging my feet on localizing promising looking games currently only available in one region. (Getting the rights to Fatal Frame to then just SIT on it in Japan is beyond stupid, it's insane)
I'd also look at a redesign thats more unique and streamlined, and in a bunch of damn colors. (people love that kind of shit) Do more limited edition bundles with special designs on the hardware the way they do with 3DS as well. (again, people eat that shit up but good)
Basically, they need to stretch this thing out as close as possible to Sony and MS hardware refreshes, and go crazy on it. It's not just casual gamers not buying Wii U, it's hardcore Nintendo fans who are still holding off as well. Right now, it's easily the absolute worst value on the market. I mean just insultingly bad.
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