I seem to buy 2 or 3 used ones a month... the new ones I get sent for free :twisted: vansau
...I'm intrigued, please explain...
Anyways, I usually buy one new game a month, unless I find bargains, then I buy them. Some months I buy more than others, but I try to limit myself, I have to keep some kind of budget. Since it's the end of this gen, I'm finding myself buying used games, but they're relatively cheap since they've been out for years.
....I guess I'm saying I have no real system :lol:
I usually buy one new game a month. March will be an exception with all the great games. I plan on getting MPH, Tetris, and Kingdom Hearts 2. Maybe even Me and My Katamari. Too bad there seems to be a dry spell for new games during the summer because that's when I have the most time to try out new games.Travo_basicFor just me it's not more than one or two a month. I tend to not buy new games unless they're big for me (I bought "Shadow of the Colossus" day one and will be buying "Kingdom Hearts 2" as well for example) - I rumage the discount bins. I just bought "Constantine" and "Bloodrayne 2" for $9 each. But we're also buying for the PC, PS2, Gamecube and Gameboy... and, once it gets it's act together, the XBox 360. For the whole family it more - my son (seven years old) has the habit and I now that my wife and I both have Gameboys we've been grabbing those as well. I just bought my wife "Sudoku" and she's been playing that for days on end (I don't see the attraction). I'll probably pick up "Final Fantasy IV Advance" once I see it. I think once the next gen hits (and games go up even higher in price) we'll probably just stop buying new games and do GameFly or Blockbuster. It's $25 a month but that's less than we're spending now.
[QUOTE="vansau"]I seem to buy 2 or 3 used ones a month... the new ones I get sent for free :twisted: Angelbabe531
...I'm intrigued, please explain...
Anyways, I usually buy one new game a month, unless I find bargains, then I buy them. Some months I buy more than others, but I try to limit myself, I have to keep some kind of budget. Since it's the end of this gen, I'm finding myself buying used games, but they're relatively cheap since they've been out for years.
....I guess I'm saying I have no real system :lol:
I get most of my games from the used bargin bin at Blockbuster. Sometimes I will buy a new game, when it is worthy of the $30 price tag (like Minish Cap) and I don't want to wait. But what's great about Blockbuster is that people will trade in their games so there's always a lot to choose from in the used section.
You've mentioned used games at Blockbuster, but it never registered. I thought they were the rented games that were used and are getting resold. I didn't realize Blockbuster did trade ins.
I usually buy one new game a month. March will be an exception with all the great games. I plan on getting MPH, Tetris, and Kingdom Hearts 2. Maybe even Me and My Katamari. Too bad there seems to be a dry spell for new games during the summer because that's when I have the most time to try out new games.Travo_basic
When I get a new system, I buy one a week for about a half a year until caught up.
Once the system has settled into the family, it goes back to twice a month that I make the sojourn to the EB games to check out what might have come in used.
It is quite an addiction; if more than two weeks goes by, I start to go through withdrawal, even knowing that there is nothing new that I might want. Typcially, I'll still go the store and pick up something I probably wouldn't buy otherwise.
Depends on the month... 1-5 on a slow month, 20 or so on a high one (that would require some kind of grouped acquesition of games) Yagami-Iori
Lol, slow month. You're my hero :wink:
According to my girlfriend "Too damn many". I usually pick up bargains, one or two a month. My last trip to the UK I went a little, well, ok, I went reeeeeally bonkers and snapped up 6 titles, but I only spent around 70 pounds. In Spain, it costs that for any game, unless you buy it second hand, then it´s usually scratched!
I pre-ordered Rage too! Couldn´t resist something new from Id - these guys basically created the FPS!! As for games from the UK, I picked up Tomb Raider Legends; Crysis 2; Mafia 2 (GOTY edition); Bioshock 2 (still haven´t finished 1); Brink (not opened) and RDR: Undead Nightmare. Not bad for around 70 GBP - most new (apart from Crysis 2, which was a gift from my brother in law, and Bioshock & Tomb Raider, which were second hand!
[QUOTE="Hasturthe hype beforehand is often more satisfactory for me than the actual game."
Isn't that the case so often. I have to agree!
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