Edit: Wooo Sticky! :D
Hey all, here's a list of some Atheists we can find on Youtube that have some pretty good talking points, some pretty bad ones and some pretty crazy ones.
If you ever find yourself in a debate with a theist some of these can be pretty helpful, but most of them are probably for reassurance.
First I'm going to link a video simply called Atheist. It's not a blog, vlog, cog, smog or fog but it's just a video "in defense of atheists" says the video creator.
Second I'm going to link a video called Atheist Statistics 2008. It's pretty easy to figure out what that means...
Third, I'm going to link a video called Pale Blue Dot. From one ofCarl Sagan's books. Sagan is often credited as being the "King" of modern Atheism (Not Neo-Atheism, mind you). If you get emotional easily I suggest you to get some tissues ready to watch this video. Rest in peace Dr. Sagan, rest in peace.
I plan on updating the list when I find new users.
(links lead to youtube channels)
TheAmazingAtheist - I personally like TAA, although he'd be considered a very militant Atheist, mainly because I think he's pretty funny. He does have some interesting points to say, though. "eh hates everything and doesn't afraid of anything." Conservatives, check out in your own disgression.
Pat Condell - A British comedian that has his own Wikipedia page! Often known for being one of the few Atheists that targets every religion instead of just Christianity, but he does live in England so the percentages of Muslims, Jews and Hindus are quite a bit higher making them easier targets. I like him as well, he's got a sarcastic undertone that I've grown to know and love.
Edward Current - A Satirical youtuber posing as a Fundamentalist Christian Conservative, pretty funny a lot of the time yet pretty boring at others. His older videos are quite a bit better than his newer ones because in his newer ones he keeps talking about politics. As with TAA, conservatives enter at your own disgression.
Thunderf00t - Gaining Youtube fame thanks to his "Why do people laugh at creationists?" series, Thunderf00t is known as one of the major Atheist bloggers on the innernets. He doesn't strive to be funny, but when he drops his hammer it often makes his watchers laugh (at his opponent). He's an English vlogger, but he sometimes gets into American Politics. He tries to be fair to both sides but it's pretty obvious on which side he personally supports.
PaulsEgo - Known for his "LOLgical" videos, it's obvious that PaulsEgo goes for a Comedic Effect and he does it pretty well. He's pretty popular but he's been very inactive... until yesterday. He just put one up saying where he's been and whatnot.
Tooltime9901 - One of the lesser known Youtube Atheists, but I'd put him up at the top in terms of intelligence and rationality (Cut short by Pat Condell). He talks about more than just Religion and Atheism, often talking about Politics. But he doesn't seem to be very partisanly (is that even a word?) to me.
Mickipedia - Mickipedia isn't really that known to be an Atheist vlogger, just a vlogger that happens to be an Atheist. However, her "atheistic" videos aren't about proving her point to others, just about her experiences as an Atheist and what it means to her and the people around her.
Theo Warner - Theo is a very worded man. He speaks with sincere eloquence and thought, often quite touching. But if you're not into looking at words on a screen or just listening to him speak then you're going to find his videos boring.
CapnOAwesome - or Captain Awesome. I'm not a huge fan of Cap'n Awesome, but he is pretty popular. Along with TAA and Thunderf00t he's one of the three most prominent Atheist vloggers on Youtube. He's never really that insightful so if you're looking for talking points don't bother with him.
FightingAtheist - FightingAtheist may put many people, like myself, off due to his name. Personally, I'm not into attacks and jabs at the religious but FightingAtheist name is merely a muse! That's right people, a muse! While he does take some shots, most of his videos are pretty clean using facts and other talking points to get his views across.
RationalResponse - You'll like it if you're into blind religious-bashing!
PiroNiro and FFreeThinker - I put these two in the same section because they're very similar. They themselves don't vlog, but the reroute videos made by The Atheist Experience, of the Atheist Community of Austin [Texas], onto Youtube. They deal with more issues than just marriage though. For instance they talk about politics and other controversial issues like Abortion and Gay Marriage.
That's all I got now.
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