Well... I thought I'd let some of you know that I no longer interpret Gen. 1-2:3 literally. This change does not mean I interpret the rest of scripture any differently, I was simply given an actual biblical, historical, and cultural argument in favor of the text being figurative.
I changed because of parallelism (day 1 with 4, day 2 with 5, and day 3 with 6), a look at the use of numbers (7 and 3 are constantly reocurring), historical arguments (very few interpreted the text in a scientific manner until the Enlightenment), and cultural arguments (seemingly an argument against the creation myths of that day and an explanation of how much greater God is than their false gods).
Instead of interpreting the text literally I sought to find the original intent of the author which I believe is to show how great God is to the surrounding culture as opposed to giving a scientific view of how the world came into being. Essentially the author's intent has more sway than my own biases. However, I do believe the Genesis text after 2:4 to still be more literal in nature as I believe that is more in accordence with the rest of the Bible.
I've slowly been coming to the view recently which is largely why I haven't been debating the issue as much lately. I'm not saying I'm now a Theistic-Evolutionist or anything of the sort. I simply do not believe one has enough biblical evidence to make a strong case for Young Earth Creationism.
Over the last 6 years I've now been somewhat of an Agnostic Evolutionist, a Theistic Evolutionist, a militant Young Earth Creationist, and now I simply make the claim that God created all that is.
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