I guess all of you should know there's a new Castlevania movie in the works now. But just who do you want to as the cast members and what do you hope to see in the movie? I have listed some things that you guys might or might not want them in the movie. Discuss them here..
1) Origins of Dracula and the Belmont clan. Maybe they can start the movie off with a fight scene of Leon and Dracula and show Leon defeating Dracula, than fast forward to the present with Simon Belmont as the lead character
2) Besides Dracula what other villians would you also like to see in the movie? Death, Medusa, The Mummy, Frankenstein etc.... Death would be my pick
3) What subweapons will be in the movie?? I personally think that the sword will not be in the movie. Holy water and Crosses would pretty much be my choice
4) Alucard??? I think Alucard would not be in this, it's way to early and they could probably save it for the sequel
5) Music....I want Bloody Tears!!!
6) Cast members. This is an interesting one, I wonder who will they cast for the role of Dracula. I would love to see Keira Knightley or Kate Beckinsale as the love interest of the hero. But I guess it's highly unlikely
What do you guys think??
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