@plumma: you remind me of my lil cousin when he DO NOT want something... that was :lol: ... and agree
@jerkofwonder: like arch said, CoD had one character that came to "play" with you. And lets face it the fact that he could travel and have a time machine did not affected the game at all, had no much to do with the plot, if anything. More important if we are "reborning" the series, why going into the same stuff that we considering so silly/mistake. After all, CoD (as much as I love hector and the ID system) was not exactly a good sample of a good CV.
Judgment, is a non-canon game even admitted by IGA, and it ahd a time machine, bc it was the only way to explain how all those characters co-existed. It was a way to make a table of character to play with in a CV fighting game.. and as many of the gerne (no that I know much about it, there is a reason why CVJ is the only Cv game I have not being able to complete) the story is a side thing, and main goal of the game, is that you can seat and play it any time in matches (though in CV, did not work as well, due to imbalance)
LoS has a nice story, even thus THAT was the final boss, and with that end (and after the epilogue) has the potential to actually create a whole new universe to introduce belmonts (or whoever may be the lastname Cox wants to use), dracula and so on... but a time machine, sci-fi in a vampire/gothic game DO NOT, SHOULD NOT have room.
Like SEMI said Cox is trying to do some thing that iga did, but doing it "right".Â
That said, this is imho.... who knows, I may even like it, but so far I`m crawling in acorner in fear... and..
@Arch and jerkofwonder (i love your nick dude): don`t get trap in the heat of the discussion... everyone is entitle to an opinion. jerkofwonder, do not earn that nick in a bad way, arch has an argument, we are talking about a time machine, we dont know if is magic and nothing much; and it is being made, so far, a main part of teh plot and overall he has a RIGHT to an opinion and any argument he/she wants. Arch responding in a bad matter is as bad as starting it.
BELOW this point honor the friendly enviroment of the union. One that we have kept for almost 5years free of fanboys, disrespect and trolling. Thank you.
@arch: why r you pessimist of the second DLC (and we should pry take this to the LoS:what is next thread :P )...
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