cancer cured, world hunger solved, santa is real, gregg has unlocked all of the achievements (every one of them), and the hookers are on me.
cancer cured, world hunger solved, santa is real, gregg has unlocked all of the achievements (every one of them), and the hookers are on me.
3D modelers? Ugh. 2D Castlevania should stay completely 2D. 2.5D rarely even looks good on consoles. On handhelds, it's pretty much guaranteed to look terrible.
Still, another 2D Igarashi game is just what I need to get back into Castlevania after all this Judgment and Lords of Shadow nonsense, so I'm at least hoping that part of the rumour is true.
DAMN!!! another reason to fetch da 3dsbeny_pimpster
yeap, between this and the RE coming, I may have to change my DS lite :P
Why do I get the feeling everyone forgot about Kid Icarus: Uprising :?.
Ben: Welcome to the Union :D, hope you like the place and stop by Burnt Paradise to chat.
lol it's not that I forgot about it BUT it's not a system getter for me :P
guys lets keep on topic pls.. :) sorry pry Ikind of started this track :oops:
only Catslevania related below.. Thx
I copied paste in Burnt Paradise some post to keep the chat there if you guys want :)
This game could be quite interesting i'd like if it could:
Based around the war Julius fought in in 1999 (Demon something war, can't remember the exact term)
hey is the castlevania on ps3 any good i heard alot fo crappy reviews of it and havent bought it yet :)
Please refer this to appropriated thread, if the one that exist are closed or are spoiler thread, feel free to create your own. This can not be answer in this thread, it is TOO unrelated. thanks for understanding. - chang
when do you guys thing we would have more news about this 3DS Castlevania, I have heard nothing.. it was no even mention on the 3DS conference... right?chang_1910I thought there was supposed to be some kinda big show on the ninteenth where Nintendo is supposed to announce a NA release date for 3DS and discuss the early lineup? @Icemael: That doesn't bother me too much, I played Castlevania X Chronicles and thought the game looked mighty nice. Also, has anyone got any news about which storyline the 3DS game is supposed to follow? The new Gabriel Bloodline or the old Leon Bloodline? (I asked this question at the end of a post in another thread before I realized it would peobably be more at home here.)
@zorro: Nintendo had a big conf, but was in tokyo. they said release date for JP (feb somethig) and games lineup.. looks nice. But no news for us so far.
Is develope by IGA, so it would be the old Leon Bloodline.. hopefully no a whole new characters and story set in some future clan, but a tory set in one of the many gaps of thetimeline...
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