NOTE: this game is being develope by IGA and is a different project that LoS. (as far as we know to date)
SPOILER WARNING: Below you would find all news that we find about the game that is now in develope. This thread is NOT spoiler free you would find at some point, story-relate, charactes, screeshots, clips...
Castlevania .
Released date: TBD
System: PS3 and Xbox360
Reviews: to come
Alucard: embracing darkness with a cursed bloodline. Betrayed his own kind and destroyed his father. A bloodstained faith. (from teaser, assuming it is not a fan/fake traslation)Story: To come
Features: To come
Cast/Developers: To comeVoice acting: To come
Official Website: To come
Preorder bonus: To come
NEWS (lastest news 1st) (at the moment rumors..)
Also confirmed by JoyStick on Oct 2008
Castlevania going 3D for ps3 and 360
Next up is the popular rumours section, which covers the following points:
- A Third-Person Halo prequel will be readied for the Holiday period in 2009;
- Bioshock will be coming to the PlayStation 3 in September 2008 with all the download content and improved visuals, whilst Bioshock 2 will be unveiled around the same time;
- Max Payne 3, Red Dead Revolver 2, LA Noire are all set for the Xbox 360 in addition to a Grand Theft Auto Massively Multiplayer Online title;
- Persona 4 on the PlayStation 2 is due in North America before the end of 2008 from Atlus, whilst an edition of the popular Persona role-playing game will come to the PlayStation Portable, as well as the PlayStation 3 in the near future;
- Rock Band 2 is coming and will feature new modes;
- Konami has a new Castlevania game in the works for both Nintendo DS and Wii, with a 3D version heading to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3;
- The Metal Gear Solid 4 PlayStation 3 bundle will be extremely limited, so if you have not pre-ordered by around June, chances are people will simply miss out.
The article explain the following about it:
As for the way the Castlevania rumour is worded, it seems to imply that the Wii edition will not be a 3D adventure, adding considerable weight to the possibility of January's rumour of a Wii-DS Castlevania link-up being true (as can be seen in the screenshots thought to be Order of Ecclesia on DS below). As for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, presumably Konami will take the successful formula used for Lament of Innocence on PlayStation 2 (seen below) and considerably polish that up with numerous extras being included (again, if true, which would be shocking if it were not, in all honesty). There has also been talk of Koji Igarashi-san, the lead on Castlevania projects nowadays, wanting to do two games based on the 1999 event in the Castlevania storyline, so linking the DS and Wii versions could fit with this, whilst the other rumour that has been floating around about the Clive Barler's Jericho studio working on a next generation edition of the series could link with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 talk."
This is also mention on when they refering to what would have the June issue of EGM said:
- Rock Band 2 with new modes
- New Castlevania for DS, Wii, and a 3D 360/PS3 game
UPDATED: May 02, 2008.I found the magazine, thx god for my best friend in NYC. :P Thx Morphine from GS.
He read the section to me and it reads... I quote:
"Castlevania `s coming back in a big way, with at least 3 new games on tap: One for Ds, a wii version,and another stab at 3D on PS3 and XB360"
It is under the Rumor section page 48, but they make it sound as almost a fact.
Interviews, clips and gameplay.
To come
To come
Trailers/Teasers:Castlevania for ps3/360 teaser with english subtitles
To come
To comeOthers image (konami official art, wallpapers..)
To come
To come
If you have any informartion, rumor, link about this please post it below and I or any other staff of CUU will add it.Thank you for you cooperation.
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