Well, I post in that union enhancement thread all the time, but I personally like the idea of getting more boards for the union, because I find it too limited for my union. After all, since my union is an Elder Scrolls union, there should be boards for Oblivion, Morrowind, Mods, Lore etc.
Well, I post in that union enhancement thread all the time, but I personally like the idea of getting more boards for the union, because I find it too limited for my union. After all, since my union is an Elder Scrolls union, there should be boards for Oblivion, Morrowind, Mods, Lore etc.
Yeh that would be nice.
[QUOTE="hendrix29"]Well, I post in that union enhancement thread all the time, but I personally like the idea of getting more boards for the union, because I find it too limited for my union. After all, since my union is an Elder Scrolls union, there should be boards for Oblivion, Morrowind, Mods, Lore etc.
Yeh that would be nice.
I think thats the main thing I want as well. My union is also getting a little crammed with boards, it would be nice if we had a games board, movies board, and so on. I would also like to see better ways to advertise the unions.
Once we finally do get some information about the union updates, we should really make sure to get it posted in this union, in a dedicated thread. Considering we are a union about unions, it would only make sense that we keep up to date on all the information regarding the union changes.
I will be quite glad for multiple boards as well. I would also like, as I made a point of suggesting myself, having a place to put text at the top of each board so you can describe it.
It's hard to tell what improvement will be first, but they may make the majority of the changes in one hit, to minimize downtime. I heard once before that unions had downtime for a while, and that it bothered a lot of people. I can't remember the exact details.
I will be quite glad for multiple boards as well. I would also like, as I made a point of suggesting myself, having a place to put text at the top of each board so you can describe it.
It's hard to tell what improvement will be first, but they may make the majority of the changes in one hit, to minimize downtime. I heard once before that unions had downtime for a while, and that it bothered a lot of people. I can't remember the exact details.
I couldn't imagine a union just being shut down for a period of time, so I would hope they put in most of the changes at the same time like you said.
Personally, the #1 improvement I would like to see are mini-threads. On my union, people can post their works on the current game and other items, but then there's a dilemna: do you post saying you like the work and thus create a lot of posts to weed through to find the completed works or do you stay silent? I don't like either option. That is why I wish people could comment specifically on a post and say whether they like it or not (the setup would be similar to profile blogs; when you first visit the profile, you can see all of the recent blogs and that is all you see, but you can see comments if you click on a specific blog; that is what I want).just4yoshi
You mean like, you can see the board (blog) and the recent topics (recent blogs) and when we click on the specific page number of the topic (blog).
We have this system
Not looking for a specific page.
Instead take what you just did: instead of quoting me, you could have placed a comment in a mini-thread that would be accessed through my post. Does that make it make more sense?
[QUOTE="alx222000"]No new annoncements, as of yet.hendrix29
Do you think they are even working on the project, or just have it on the backburner?
Im hoping to see some changes by the end of August but theres no telling with Gamespot.
[QUOTE="hendrix29"][QUOTE="alx222000"]No new annoncements, as of yet.Ghost_Warrior
Do you think they are even working on the project, or just have it on the backburner?
Im hoping to see some changes by the end of August but theres no telling with Gamespot.
they are certainly taking there time with getting the info out.
Here is what I think. Please remember that this is strictly my view.
I think nothing has been done at all. I am under the impression that Gamespot is seriously underfunded and overworked. For example, Alex has not been involving himself with the Gamespace banner competition for the longest time. And when Alex withdrew himself from the project, he didn't say anything. One day, he just disappeared. The accepted entries never get their banners uploaded, the emblems weren't given out, and for months no one hear any words from him.
You see, Gamespot has the habit of making a promise then bail out. Not sure why they think it is appropriate, but it is happening.
How much time and effort do you think it will take to post ONE message, and let users know how much progress the new union development has been done? Even something like "we did something today. Not too important but is is something." or "Some coding was done for the board." Any thing would cheer the users, but no, we have not seen anything like that.
If they don't even bother to keep you updated, why would they bother to make a new union system?
Or, look at it the other way... the reason there is no report is because there is nothing to report. Nothing has been done. After e3? Well, December 2010 would be after e3, too.
I would just stick with what we have instead of keeping my hopes up for the new union system. Nothing, I believe, would ever happen.
You do have a point but remember how much they involved us with their new review system? None, as far as I can remember. Nothing was ever announced and then one day Jeff writes a blog and says, "Hey, guess what, were changing our review system". So the same thing could be going on with the unions, they give us no update on them and then out of no where they announce something. But you know, this view of mine is based on pure optimism.
In the end however, its pretty clear things have not been the same since Greg K. left Gamespot.
There are lots of updates I would like to see implemented, but in particular full html, css and javascript support to completely customize the union domain. Most other social networking sites already offer the same freedom. Also mysql, php and rss plugins would be great too.Lazdude
well the widget's would supposedley let you customize it to the extent that you want, if of course they use it.
I doubt full css and java support would ever be possible. It is too easy to exploit Gamespot if these features are fully enabled. Also, I think widget is an awesome thing to have but it also seems very complicated to do.yian
well, I at least hope for a simplified form of it.
Just keep in mind, the original reason this has come as far as it has, is because the Headcrab union were threatening to leave. That could still happen, and I don't think GS wants it to. Either they're working on the changes, or they're holding out to keep the HCU around as long as possible. Not that I'm sure if the HCU has the drive to move themselves off-site anymore.alx222000
What we should do is organize 5 to 6 unions to move off-site because that would make GS aware of the situation.
You have to keep in mind Gamespot makes unions available to free registered members and therefore don't directly make money of them. In such situations development and priority can only go so far. However a few quick and easy things that could be done now such as style sheet support could go a long way to keep many users satisfied for the time being.
I think their main problem is saving all the planned updates as one release instead of incremental ones.
[QUOTE="alx222000"]Just keep in mind, the original reason this has come as far as it has, is because the Headcrab union were threatening to leave. That could still happen, and I don't think GS wants it to. Either they're working on the changes, or they're holding out to keep the HCU around as long as possible. Not that I'm sure if the HCU has the drive to move themselves off-site anymore.hendrix29
What we should do is organize 5 to 6 unions to move off-site because that would make GS aware of the situation.
Better yet, I think we as union leaders should express our support for the union updates, Im thinking we could write a sort of letter (private message) and send it to Jeff or one of the top Gamespot editors showing our support for the union updates. There would be one message but then we could get union leaders to sign their name on the message. Just an idea.
[QUOTE="hendrix29"][QUOTE="alx222000"]Just keep in mind, the original reason this has come as far as it has, is because the Headcrab union were threatening to leave. That could still happen, and I don't think GS wants it to. Either they're working on the changes, or they're holding out to keep the HCU around as long as possible. Not that I'm sure if the HCU has the drive to move themselves off-site anymore.Ghost_Warrior
What we should do is organize 5 to 6 unions to move off-site because that would make GS aware of the situation.
Better yet, I think we as union leaders should express our support for the union updates, Im thinking we could write a sort of letter (private message) and send it to Jeff or one of the top Gamespot editors showing our support for the union updates. There would be one message but then we could get union leaders to sign their name on the message. Just an idea.
I like the ideas. Not to mention, our union being a part of this, would ensure that this union gets more attention as a helpful, 'official' place for all unions to recieve council regarding their union or others, and we can really begin to helpunions on a larger scale. If everyone here agrees with what has been proposed, maybe should start getting the word out about this?
[QUOTE="Ghost_Warrior"][QUOTE="hendrix29"][QUOTE="alx222000"]Just keep in mind, the original reason this has come as far as it has, is because the Headcrab union were threatening to leave. That could still happen, and I don't think GS wants it to. Either they're working on the changes, or they're holding out to keep the HCU around as long as possible. Not that I'm sure if the HCU has the drive to move themselves off-site anymore.J-Man725
What we should do is organize 5 to 6 unions to move off-site because that would make GS aware of the situation.
Better yet, I think we as union leaders should express our support for the union updates, Im thinking we could write a sort of letter (private message) and send it to Jeff or one of the top Gamespot editors showing our support for the union updates. There would be one message but then we could get union leaders to sign their name on the message. Just an idea.
I like the ideas. Not to mention, our union being a part of this, would ensure that this union gets more attention as a helpful, 'official' place for all unions to recieve council regarding their union or others, and we can really begin to helpunions on a larger scale. If everyone here agrees with what has been proposed, maybe should start getting the word out about this?
I think we honestly should start making others talk about this. This is sort of a model union, in which other unions can follow and learn to make their union as best they can. So, overall we should get some support from GS, while we try and get them to make the union enhancements.
By "the project" what does that encompass exactly? I seriously doubt all the planned improvements will go forward by this year's end.Lazdude
Must be the level glitch for starters
The end of this year is so far the most concrete date that has been given by Gamespot. It sounds far away, but it is an actual date. I'm now excited. :)yian
agreed, even though they said after E3 is when they'd make an announcement, I didn't think they actually would, I'm so glad that this is being worked on.
It looks like no action will be necessary.
I'd just like to add: moving a union off-site would take a lot of effort, especially in programming. I don't think many unions would even consider it.
my union would, we had it planned if this idea wasn't planned out that someone could make a forum if needed.
i`ll be happy just if they fix the leveling up thing...chang_1910
well, I personally don't like the level up thing at all, and many don't think it as a good idea either. After all, what is it besides bragging rights for your union to have a higher level than another.
The leveling system is good and bad but frankly I don't care what they do with it right now, because of the glitch every union has an inaccurate level.
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