There was once a time when games did not have *gasp* graphics. They had only text, that's right, it was the power of imagination that gave life to the stories being told. We here at the Creators' Guild think that was just fine. So we started up our own text driven thread game that harkens back to days of yore. I give you Text Adventure Zwei (numbers 1-10 are among the few remnants of my German language classes back in high-school, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to use them at some point)
The game itself is simple.There are two steps each involving a different person:
The first person writes down what the next person sees, and what they currently have in their inventory. This is important, you can't add or take away objects from the player's inventory, or decide their actions. You can only add objects to their environment and then give them choices about said objects. You can place the player in danger, even kill them, but you have to let them decide on how to handle the situation.
The second person takes the information from the first person's description and then makes a decision about the action that they're going to take that turn. Each action is carried out one at a time as short simple commands. Examples: turn on light, examine book, go east towards mountain. You may pick up and place items from the environment into your inventory, and conversely, use said items on something in said environment. That sort of thing. It's really much easier than how I'm describing it. I suppose the best thing to do is to jump right in.
Begin Here
You find yourself in a small, windowless room.
To your right is a desk.
To your left is a book case.
Behind you is a table.
And directly in front is the door.
You're holding: Nothing
What do you do?
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