It's a card battle for this union. If you wish to participate then pick your character here. No one may pick the same character so once he/she has been picked then you will have to choose another character. Any DB/DBZ/DBGT fighter is eligible to be picked. By picking a character here you are agreeing to be active during the time of the tournament. If you have questions then please feel free to ask.
(NOTE: DBGT Goku and Vegeta are not different from DBZ Goku and Vegeta)
Selected characters:
Goku(dbz) - ikhzo
Vegeta- Scott
Future Trunks - bug_trevor
Krillin - bugbag
GT Trunks - UssDeifiant
Adult Gohan - SuperGohan1
Bardock - Kody
Broly - heavenboy
Piccolo - vegetaali
Teen Gohan - tcoastie
Cell - swimmer
Kid Buu - Pain
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