You may attack/heal three times a day, but you can't make successive moves. (ie. once you go you have to wait for someone else to go before you can go again). You can heal or hurt by 5 points in each of your moves, but you may only heal once a day. These hurts and heals can be distributed any way that you want, meaning that you don't have to use all 5 points on one character, but the total points of your move have to equal 5. (ie. Hurting Goku 3 and hurting gohan 2) You also my not hurt AND heal in the same move, and your total HP may never go over 50hp.
45hp Gohan - gohan
50hp Gogeta - ikhzo
43hp Goku - Heavenboy
50hp Vegeta - Bugbag
50hp Trunks - swimmer
50hp Goten - Justice
50hp The Announcer - Sonic
50hp Teen Gohan - Kman
36hp Android 13 - kakarot
50hp Bulma - Sakura
46hp GT Goku - Govinator
Feel free to attack based either off of the character or the person that character represents. :P The surviving character will get a special crest added to their profile in the Database. :|
Special rule: Swimmer and swimmer only may hurt/heal unlimited times per day and make back to back moves. There is also no limit to how much swimmer can hurt/heal in each move.
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