If you've read the telegram, you'd know that I'm considering starting up a new Dynasty Game, since the current one has a couple problems. I have the rules lined up and a map drawn out, so this is the time to make comments and criticisms.
-Each player gets 10 points at the start of the game, which can be divided up between two stats; attack and life, which is how much damage can be dealt and how much damage can be taken, respectively. Although life can be increased over time, it can never be more than +5 higher than the starting life stat.
-Gold is used for fortifying cities and recruiting troops. Only 1 gold piece can be spent per turn, and each player starts with 5.
-Each player can move once per turn, but can move two spaces on the grid in any direction. When they enter a vacant or friendly city, they can fortify, reinforce, or tax, when they are in the open, they can recruit new forces, and when they are in an area or city occupied by an enemy unit, they must fight.
-When two hostile units meet, they must continue to fight, turn after turn, until one unit is reduced to 0 life. The only way to escape a battle is to rout, which allows you to return to any friendly city. However, if a player successfully forces an enemy to rout, he gains +1 gold. It is possible to bring additional forces into a battle, but once it’s decided which unit your reinforcements will attack, they must continue attacking that unit until the fight is resolved.
-When a city is occupied, the occupying unit(s) have three options: fortify, tax, or reinforce.
-Fortifying provides the defenses with +1 Life, meaning that an enemy who attacks the city will have to spend 1 turn breaking the defenses, during which time the occupying units can attack them. However, once the defenders attack, they are forced to slug it out, and do not have the option of routing (so you can’t escape if you’re fighting a losing battle). A city can only be fortified up to +3, but can’t be fortified while under attack.
-Taxing raises 1 gold, which can be spent on fortification or reinforcement.
-Reinforcement raises fresh troops for 1 gold, giving the player +1 life.
-If an enemy unit passes with 1 space of a city, then they are forced to assault the city before they can advance further.
Open Land
-The only option for officers in the field is recruitment, which allows them to increase their life by +1 at the cost of 1 gold. However, they have the choice of routing if they wind up in a situation that they can’t win. Whenever an enemy unit is within the same square, the player has the option of attacking.
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