Okay, here we will discuss a new game I have pondered; seeing that these games generate the most activity.
I call it "Legends of China" and will be a freeform/roleplaying/hurtheal comb.
-In the game there will be a simple map of china with provinces and cities.
-You fight battles and accumulate "Glory," which will be used to accumulate troops, enact strategies, ect.
-Characters lead units of troops which are "life." Example: Harpey's Unit +5 means that Harpey's unit has 5000 troops.
-Being attacked will cause your unit to lose troops/life.
-harden007 will be the "Emperor," I will not be playing so to speak, I will be the referree and decider, but whoever controls the city I am in will get bonus glory to spend.
-The map will have cities and regions. Each region will have at least one city.
-If your unit is in a region, the cities (if an enemies) are considered "besieged," and enemy units in those cities cannot leave the city until the siege is broken. You do this by attacking the besiegers.
-Each kingdom will have a capital, with extra defenses, worth more glory if captured, and where officers return if their unit is utterly defeated.
-Recruiting units can only be done by the leader or strategist of each faction, and only in cities, and only if you have enough glory. The leader and strategist can assign new troops to units in the same city as themselves only.
-Every time you move/attack you are doing an "Action." Actions are limited to only a few per day. Example, you can move from a city to a region, region to city, or region to region. Or launch attacks. Only if you have enough Action Points.
-Similar to hurt/heal, you use up an action point to launch an attack.
-Leaders and Strategists can use one point and attack all enemy units in the battle, but regular officers can only attack 1 enemy unit at a time.
-Only one leader and one strategist per faction.
It's a bit of a read but really simple when you look at it. Anyone have suggestions or comments, or need clarification then this is the place.
KEEP IN MIND!!!! I am trying to make a game with some rules to avoid the anarchy that took place in Voorks game. However the ultimate goal is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! So dont get mad if I dont use your suggestion.
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