You will get married to one of two girls. The first is a skinny, very unattractive women who is extremely rich, so rich that you never have to work another day in your entire life and you could buy absolutely anything the world has to offer... but if she ever catches you with another women she will break up with you and you will lose all your money and possessions. The second girl is the hottest chick you've ever laid eyes on, but remain poor your entire life living in a trailer. She is your high school sweetheart and you love her. She doesn't mind if you cheat on her with other women, but she cheats on you with other men as well. Who do you choose?
Darn, cant officially comment on this, but it's really simple to choose. Marry the rich one, make sure she leaves everything to you in her will, then kill her off. Use your riches to buy the hot girl's love. Just make sure she doesn't do unto you what you did unto your ex. The tricky part is, of course, not getting caught for the murder, but every path has its price, no?
Regarding the current situation, kill the druggist, get the drugs. Its only a crime if you get caught!!
You're the US president. You are handed a Bill passed by congress, which is very popular with every faction, special interest group, and media outlet, enough so that if you veto it, congress will just override your veto and get it passed anyway. But unlike many presidents in the past 80 years or so, you have practical knowledge of how an economy works. You realize this bill will do horrendous damage to the economy, eliminating the middle cla$$ (frack gamespot!!) as the economy tanks and leaves the population starving and unable to afford gas, leaving them in a pre-industrial status. Meanwhile, you, the congress, the supreme court, the members of the various state bureaucracies, and your cronies will rake in the money like never before. So, do you let it pass unopposed and cash in, or veto it on principle and risk earning the undying hatred of the bills supporters (namely the ignorant masses, the news media, and the history book writers who will especially enjoy slandering your reputation long after the dust from your bones are gone).
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