[QUOTE="bastards12345"][QUOTE="taisho_rolyat"][QUOTE="Ccrow21"]U.S. of A...Where Dictators are called Presidents no less!
I wasnt going to touch it. But.....
*sigh* I just look at it this way. If you dont like it here, then leave! Im NOT trying to start anything Im just saying.
I work at a college and (not that theyre ALL this way, just an abservation) what seems to be most of the rich kids are the ones that complain. And why is that you might ask? Because if youve never had to support or take responsibility for yourself, than you probably dont respect what makes this country great. A lot of these kids have never even had a job, let alone been out from under mommy and daddys wing. Yet they will drive around in their brand new BMW with their pocket full of money from home, not being held accountable for their actions, and then complain about this country. You dont have to 100 percent like what your country does, but have some respect and pride for it. Tell those brats that they have to go live in Iraq, and watch how quickly they start loving this country.
And I call them "kids" because they have yet to take responsibility for their actions. Age doesnt matter. Ive seen 12 year olds that are more mature than "adults."
Well well, a political debate has arisen, just my kind of discussion, but first:
1. DW4 Demo, then got the novel
2. 21
3. German (indeed one of my great-grand-fathers was an AA gunner in WW2, for the Germans! :shock: ) and that classic brand of American know as "Southerners." (you know, like Robert E. Lee or Colonel Sanders)
4. Georgia, of the good old USA.
Now as far as politics are concerned, I say that both parties are correct, in a way. While it is true that Americans are currently the greatest people on Earth, they are so IN SPITE of the government that rules them. So bloated it has become in size, scope, and power that it has perverted itself, just as Thomas Jefferson predicted it might, into an "elected tyranny." That the senators, Presidents, and Judges get away with tightening its grip on commerce and civil liberties is due mostly to its unashamed extortion of the succesful and productive members of our people through taxes, to buy the votes of the unmotivated and brainwashed citizens with welfare money. That, and their uncanney ability to misdirect Americans from the important issues of their immenant enslavement through socialist legislation, with hot topics like the "port deal" which is elsewhere possesed only by charlitains and magicians. We may get to elect or "represenatives," but the fact remains that whom we elect tend only to represent themselves and their selfish motivations, meaning the federal government's wants will superceade the people's everytime. If we Americans want to acheive our true potential and preserve the American Dream, we need an immense and immediant overhaul of the government.
........... well I'd hate too see this topic totally hijacked, but I suppose it is inevitable now.
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