Also from the Imperial Archives:
"I was able to find evidence of Lu_Bu01 and DW5freak's fued. It also happens to contain the famous "Yo The Point" IM conversation between lubu01 and freak(jedimonky7) which is priceless humor because it shows freaks personality to a "T."
Anyways I found the post in the Mods Forum...."
LU_BU01: "Moderators. For the past several weeks, DW5freak has attempted to get me, LuButheGreat, and the Hardcore Union banned. He's been framing me and making up lies in the Dynasty Warriors Union in order to get me kicked out. I have PM'd MAILER_DAEMON on one occasion several weeks ago about a disturbance there, but no response whatsoever. DW5freak goes around and flames me. I have tried to tell him 3 times that I wanted him to stop via email. He simply responded with the following:
OK, my plan is working to perfection.Now they think we hate eachother we now team up & take over the board.They wont expect us to do this now is the TIME!"
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Recently before, freak and Me had a conversation about this, and he revealed to me his intentions to take over the dynasty Warriors union. This occurred via Aol Instant Messenger Handling:
LuBu998: Hello. I know that you don't care, but we just demoted you and kicked you out of the Hardcore union.
LuBu998: you want to take over???
LuBu998: I don't understand...
Jedimonky7: my plan has worked to this moment perfectly
Jedimonky7: we caan take over the union
LuBu998: How?
Jedimonky7: the time is now
LuBu998: how? we have no authority.
LuBu998: Lord_CAl is a second from banning me.
Jedimonky7: i will tell him to promote me
Jedimonky7: then i will pressure him into giving the union to me
Jedimonky7: i will promote u
LuBu998: the union is his dream...his creation.
Jedimonky7: & we will rile the land
Jedimonky7: he has no time 4 it
Jedimonky7: i wll tell others
LuBu998: You get him to promote you, then I will act.
Jedimonky7: to support me
LuBu998: get him to step aside.
LuBu998: Then and only then will I help
Jedimonky7: but he is still sleeping
Jedimonky7: when he awakes
LuBu998: ... It's 10:00
LuBu998: ok keep me updated.
Jedimonky7: I am a great strategist
Jedimonky7: my plan has wotkrd
Jedimonky7: yo the point
Jedimonky7: to*
LuBu998: ??? I don't understand the last two messages.
Jedimonky7: ok
Jedimonky7: my plan has workes without any trouble
Jedimonky7: worked*
LuBu998: ok
LuBu998: btw, do you know who this Zhao Yun guy is? he's imitating us.
Jedimonky7: dunno
Jedimonky7: i Think he is just new
LuBu998: should we take him out?
Jedimonky7: a threat he is not
LuBu998: ok.
LuBu998: when does cal wake up?
Jedimonky7: dunno
LuBu998: He's not going on today. Getting his computer fixed.
Jedimonky7: ok
LuBu998: Did you get Peg to join?
Jedimonky7: maybe
Jedimonky7: hes doubtful
LuBu998: he thinks we and aman are ******* him.
Jedimonky7: nope
LuBu998: for some reason...
LuBu998: So, you're going to get me banned, eh?
Jedimonky7: no
LuBu998: Your first two plans didn't work.
Jedimonky7: they were plans within a plan
LuBu998: :-!
Jedimonky7: 1nce i get promoted
Jedimonky7: pressure lord cal
LuBu998: And then???
Jedimonky7: when i get control
LuBu998: You're going to make things hell for me, eh?
Jedimonky7: i will eleminate threats
Jedimonky7: no
LuBu998: Want me gone, eh?
Jedimonky7: ull be a mod
Jedimonky7: no
Jedimonky7: god ******
LuBu998: someone steal your taxi agian?
LuBu998: hmmmmm.
Jedimonky7: what
Jedimonky7: LOL
LuBu998: Much fear, I sense in you. Fear leads to hatred. Hatred is the dark side.
LuBu998: Clouds everything, the dark side does.
that was the conversation that I sent to Lord_cal, Administrator of the Dynasty Warriors union. I still have not recieved an answer.
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