Sengoku Basara 3, also known as Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, is capcoms rendition of waring Japan in the late 16th early 17 century,but not known to many is that the series has hit our shores before, albeit stripped down, under the monkier, Devil Kings...Unlike the Samurai Warriors games, these games have a diffrent, more anime like graphics (can't say ****cause its a forbidden html)and in combat you use diffrent skills to go along with your diffrent atacks, there is a big story mode that features many branching paths for the players you play as. Magoichi is a girl, Tadakatsu is a tank, and Mitsunari is a dreary Emo, Game is due in the US October 12th for the PS3 and Wii, diffrences, controller interface and graphics, all in all its looking like an awesome game
Dynasty Warriors Online (yay!)
Originaly released in Japan in 2006 (before DW6, so no, you dont have to worry about renbu) for the PC, it was a smash hit MMO over there, so they decided to release it for the PS3 in JP, more sales revenue and a few years later, DWO has been confirmed for the PC here in the West, its free-to-play and is being handled by Aeria games, a PS3 version might be in the works, but no one knows for sure yet, keep posted on the thread for more breaking news
Warriors: Legends of Troy
"Three thousand years ago, a poet sang of heroes strong enough to stand alone against an army. For love, they sailed the world. For family, they made the greatest sacrifices. For honor, they stood and faced the will of gods, and fought a war which shook the earth..." (copied from Koeiwarriors forums)
Well obviously based off the illiad, the oddesy and all the other great greek mythos, not much is known yet except Koei Canada is handaling it
it's good to see you contribute axel. i'm sure fellow regulars and i appreciate it :Dblazblue152Thank you blaz, just wondering, you know i contributed more than some people under my alt right?
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
This iteration of Dynasty Warriors found itself being started on the PSP. The premise, going super-sayian on all the little peons you wip the crud out of. As a bonus, mythical/mystical/normal animals and weapons to boot as bosses. Okay but really, you can play with whoever you want from DW6, you get 2 weapons to use that you can switch on the fly, (so like Zhao Yun, with a spear and bow, or Ma Chao with a sword and pike) and over 100's of missions, and plenty of DLC for more if you get done with it all, the game after being out for a few years now, (i think 3 dont quote me on that though) has been ported to the PS3 & 360 with more content.(meng huo, and a lot more DLC) Overall an exciting game to be had by any long time Dynasty Warriors fans, and is a good place to get your feet wet if you arn't a long time fan. Recomended version? PS3 or 360, reason? All the previos DLC and content for the original game is in the port, and they added a charcter and more DLC, lol, so go get your money's worth! *note DLC is free for all Koei games so far
*Contains some spoilers pertaining to the first game*
**sorry for the japanese title, hasn't been released outside of there yet**
Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce 2 is the sequel for the original with some more kick ass fun added into the mix. The story picks up right where the first one left off with the defeat of the tyrannical Lu Bu, but some might ask, whats the problem now, we just killed the strongest warrior of the 3 kingdoms! Yeah so, but did you ever think something worse might happen? Like an Evil Emperor from hundreds of years ago is alive again and is bringing with him alot more death and destruction? Ever think about that huh? No? Well guess what, thats what happened. And the story goes on from their, going on, there are way more new charcters in this instalment, you get 2 cut charcters (from DW6) back, Da Qiao, and Jiang Wei (who may i say looks friggin bad ass) and a bunch of charcters from chinese mythology. More diffrent enemies, you can overdrive your weapons (make way more powerful), and get full online mode, whats more to love? Only problem is for us non-Japanese residents/readers, we don't have a western release date yet, so stay posted for more details. Ciao!Â
or you could just try finding a different source for the images. sometimes the images are already hosted on imageshack or the like  and you just have to find them via google.
true...thanks you guys for reminding me of this, and Harden, hush, im just doing my part, cause my DW rpg game didn't pan out(the game i've been working on with RPGmaker)or you could just try finding a different source for the images. sometimes the images are already hosted on imageshack or the like  and you just have to find them via google.
[QUOTE="blazblue152"]it's good to see you contribute axel. i'm sure fellow regulars and i appreciate it :DLancaster_AxelThank you blaz, just wondering, you know i contributed more than some people under my alt right?i'm sure everyone here contributes in his ways ;)
Thank you blaz, just wondering, you know i contributed more than some people under my alt right?i'm sure everyone here contributes in his ways ;)i just realised i sounded like an ass in that post, but what i mean is unlike the people who just sign up, and never come back, im trying to help in this melting pot, even in albeit small ways[QUOTE="Lancaster_Axel"][QUOTE="blazblue152"]it's good to see you contribute axel. i'm sure fellow regulars and i appreciate it :Dblazblue152
nah, it worked. it just didn't blow my mind or anything. it's actually less information than you posted in the other forum.Â
I'm going to go a bit off topic here and ask...
Why do region locks exist? They serve no purpose whatsoever.
We hates them! Why can't I play my American copy of Halo 3 in France? Because somewhere in the past a bunch of retarded jerks gathered and decided that they had to make sure that countries that contain less then one million people are not able to get a game they really want legally until after a few weeks of it's worldwide release. That must be the case.
Screw region locks! Sony is awesome for making every single freaking PS3 game region free!
Now I can play my Chinese copy of Killzone 2, my American copy of Uncharted 2 and my African copy of LittleBigPlanet on my European PS3 in my small hut in Brazil. That's how it is supposed to be!
it's called money and censorship.Â
also, wasn't this thread supposed to be sacred or something and never EVER go off topic?
where is the idyllic hardy when you need a good ass chewing!?
money has lots to do with it. if your DVD player can only play Iceland DVDs then you can't buy your games/movies/software used from Britain or the US because their disks won't play in your player. so you therefore have to buy an Iceland copy of the media. this means more media is sold to service those who want the media. at least that was the original intent. it's the providers of content that want the region locks because more copies of their content gets sold.Â
the censorship part is so countries like China can dictate what content goes into their region. so if it has pro-democracy content they can restrict it. or try to at least.
It's your anti-capitalist rhetoric which disturbs me, comrade.Â
1) The original purpose for region locking was to limit the damage a single pirate can do with a single copy of the game. Without region-locking, one guy with one copy of the game can supply all the illegal copies of the game wanted in the entire world. With cartdidge-based systems, this isn't really a problem, because copying a cartridge requires another cartridge, and they are expensive. Copying a CD/DVD is dirt-cheap, though.
2) Secondarily, another purpose arose. Region locks also help enforce the publishing/distribution agreements where one company published a game in one region and another publishes in another region. Without region locks, whichever region publishes second will already have a flood of copies of the game that were imported by the people who were most interested in that game, making publishing the game in other territories less attractive. So it puts more pressure on the idea of one company publishing the game across the entire world. This hurts smaller publishers like Atlus, who tends to publish quirky, very Japanese flavored, games in North America and Europe.
So, in a nutshell, it originated as a result of "intellectual property" violations. Which in a proper market order (pure competitive capitalism) wouldn't exist. The reasons why IP is nonsense is that ideas are not scarce and therefore are not an economic good. You can receive an idea from me without taking that idea from me. I cannot "lose" the idea but you can gain it. It can be copied to infinity at no cost. It's like Marx getting paid royalties from every socialist in the world. I can go on an on. Bottom line: IP restricts competition, is monopolist, and therefore should be done away with so competition can prosper. Â
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